In our area, the time to prepare beds for planting ferns is in the spring since all but the hardiest species die back in our ...
If you're up to a challenge, you can also try growing ferns from spores, which takes patience—but after, you'll have all the fronds you could ever want. Here, we spoke to experts about all ...
But since the 1970s, geologists have also noted the existence of another layer, just above the iridium-rich one, that contains “lots and lots and lots of fossil fern spores” and not much else, says ...
For all their showiness, tree ferns are extraordinary survivors. They hold their secrets close—but now, scientists are ...
Ferns are best planted in the cooler, wetter seasons of spring and autumn. Almost all varieties prefer shade, with some happy ...
In addition, the bird's nest fern is not an easy plant to propagate, even for plant pros. You must first collect spores (the brown fuzzy spots on the bottom of mature fronds) and start them in ...
When a spore lands somewhere nice and moist ... Another type of seedless vascular plant is ferns, also known as monilophytes. Many types of ferns have large leaves called fronds that slowly ...
Unlike flowering plants that produce seeds, ferns reproduce via spores formed on the underside of their leafy branches. This Japanese shield fern colour coordinates its spores with the coppery ...
The English ivy houseplant is said to "remove airborne mould and other nasties". It's best grown in bright, indirect light, and will require regular watering, but if looked after well, the plant will ...