And the witnesses in Jerusalem who testified ... into which he was put when his incapacity first became manifest. Throughout his life, Eichmann deceived people about his early “misfortunes ...
are in fact important material evidence of the arrival of the armies of the First Crusade in 1099 in southern Syria/Palestine and the territorial expansion of the newly established Kingdom of ...
“It is not known when the moat was first dug, but it is clear that ... to the south and served as the residence of the people of Jerusalem and the Acropolis (the upper city), which was where ...
The first archaeological evidence of extreme asceticism practiced by nuns was discovered in Jerusalem. A female skeleton, found wrapped in chains during an excavation by the Israel Antiquities ...
The late Israeli psychiatrist Yair Bar-el, the first to label and define Jerusalem syndrome as a mental health condition, had asserted that it could be triggered in people especially agitated by ...
Jerusalem is an extremely artful piece ... the "unknown" years before he began his ministry - more of a "First Coming" for the people of England. "Was Jerusalem builded here?" ...