Biophysical methods for the detection and quantification of binding between small molecules or biologicals and their target are fundamental to chemical biology and pharmacological research. Target ...
The aim of this “Frontiers in Pharmacology Research Topic” is to attract contributions that highlight emerging ideas in the cAMP field that: (i) describe its role in cellular function and homeostasis, ...
The Behavioral Pharmacology Research Unit (BPRU) at Johns Hopkins is a world leading site in the science of psychoactive drugs and behavior. Spanning the negative and positive effects of psychoactive ...
Pharmaceutical research has fallen into a rut known as “Erooms Law”: while the resources expended increase exponentially the number of new approved drugs per year remains constant. This is partly due ...
The laboratory-based programs available to trainees represent a wide variety of endeavors in pharmacological research, including but not limited to: Appointees must have received an M.D. or comparable ...
The Master’s Programme in Pharmaceutical Research, Development and Safety offers the opportunity to obtain a comprehensive overview of the life cycle of drugs and their use. The study program combines ...
TRaCES, or Translational Research and Core Expert Support, is a new initiative in the Department of Pharmacology & Physiology that aims to support translational and research-driven partnerships ...
The Pharmacology Department extends its congratulations to Fangfang and expresses anticipation in offering support for the success and discoveries of her project. Fangfang's commitment and excellence ...