The number of personal things to be done and the limited ... Toward the end of George Washington's life, farm manager James Anderson tightened the privilege a bit by requiring that slaves from ...
Discover how former U.S. presidents have spent their years after leaving the White House, from founding universities to ...
That famous description of George Washington by his friend ... Resigning his commission, he enthusiastically took up the life of a Virginia planter. Washington had been renting a family farm ...
George Washington was the son of Augustine Washington (1694-1743) and his second wife, Mary Ball Washington (1708-1789). The Washington family moved to Ferry Farm Plantation in 1738. Located on the ...
But after the war’s end, Washington watched with dismay as the very officers who had fought off the rule of a monarch made grabs for their own individual power. Washington was now tired and wanted ...
George Washington’s quotes continue to inspire us with timeless lessons about character, life and governance. Whether you’re looking for motivation or simply want to learn more about his ...