Of all the vessels in the Mikdash, the kiyor is something of a conundrum. Is it one of the main vessels in the Mikdash, like the Menorah, Shulchan, etc., or not?
The worship in the Temple could only be performed by the Kohanim, who traced their lineage back to Aaron and his sons. The Tribe of Levi was chosen to oversee the care of the Beit HaMikdash and ...
Please contact us in case of abuse. In case of abuse, Report this post. One of the unique roles of the Kohanim, was their ability to bring about atonement for inadvertent sinners. When one ...
From its beginnings as a kosher certification agency to its ongoing enrichment of Jewish life, advancement of ...
This week's Torah portion of Tetzaveh introduces us to the world of the kohanim, the priestly descendants of Aaron, and their garments of glory. Nowhere else does the Torah give such elaborate ...
The word kavod – dignity or honor – appears sixteen times, but in fourteen (2x7) of these cases the reference is to the glory of G-d.
The vestments of the Kohen Hagadol, the High Priest, received just as much attention from the Torah as the Mishkan’s (the ...
The month of Adar symbolizes joy – specifically after a great calamity. Haman (a descendant of Amalek) wanted to destroy the Jewish people. Through our proper conduct - God turned everything around ...
I’m a Kohen. It’s customary for Kohanim to sing or chant during the blessings from where I came.” He was the only regular Kohen in the Harofeh synagogue during Rosh Hashanah, and after his ...
The Blogs | The Times of Israel on MSN9d
Sailing towards the horizon
Saying kaddish for 11 months ends without ceremony, as if I suddenly stopped waving to departing guests. It breaks my heart, ...
There were two elderly brothers who were the kohanim. When they went up to duchen, one of the older cousins introduced us to a "minhag", to take their shoes for a ransom." Full Story Growing up, my ...