Here are seven medicinal plant species that have proved their worth in gold and may well have more to give to the future of ...
For thousands of years, the inhabitants of the Brazilian rainforest have been using medicinal plants. But this knowledge is in danger of disappearing. Leticia Yawanawa has an ambitious plan ...
Researchers at the Bayreuth Center for Ecology and Environmental Research (BayCEER) at the University of Bayreuth have found ...
Peace lilies are popular houseplants known for their green foliage and white-hooded flowers that bloom above the leaves - but ...
They're sensitive, stunning and simple to maintain, but they still need to be placed in an adequate location for them to ...
As peace lilies can be sensitive plants, experts shared the best location in your home to keep the plant healthy and thriving.
Riverside forests help trees migrate between Amazon and Atlantic forests, shaping biodiversity over millions of years.
Secret doors, smoke plumes, air locks, a million species and shipwrecked treasures: this world-renowned Sydney establishment could be the most biodiverse spot in the country.
More than a 100 local people have devoted hundreds of hours to planting species - including oak, rowan, alder, hazel, birch, ...
Looking for an investment idea that’s paid off handsomely in commodities markets over the past six months? Try betting on the ...