One statistic from the recent Reading Christmas Bird Count on Dec. 15 that caught the eye of compiler Lucy has nothing to do with birds: There were 61 counters out in the field along with 19 feeder ...
I’m a summer guy. If you asked me if I would rather be outside in 100 degree heat or in 15 degree cold, I’ll be happy to sweat. To me, the calendar seems unfair. I feel like we get six months of ...
Although the red-cockaded still faces obstacles, including continued habitat loss, impacts of climate change and the ...
White-breasted nuthatches ... from a distance, the naked trees and brown fields sure made it look that way. But now that I spend more time in the countryside, I’ve discovered that, even in ...
Finches are brown streaky sparrow-like birds ... This huge black-and-white woodpecker with the flaming red crest is crow-sized and unforgettable. This species is found in eastern woodlands ...
Bald Eagle – 9, Barn Swallow – 2, Barred Owl – 9, Belted Kingfisher – 6, Big Brown Bat – 7, Black and White Warbler ... Terrapin – 12, Downy Woodpecker – 1.
It was cold and the wind was blowing hard, but there I was with two friends scanning the whitecaps of Rose Valley Lake, hoping for a fallout of waterfowl and vagrant species. Winter birding in these ...
A relentless environmental warrior, Lisa D. Watson seeks balance between urbanization and conservation in artworks and ...
four Brown Creeper, the 15 White-winged Crossbill and the 11 Lesser Scaup. Species that had lower count numbers than normal included a Herring-Great Black-backed Gull hybrid, one Pileated Woodpecker, ...
It’s cold outside! It’s been too cold for so many of our regular outdoor activities. But we have enjoyed the birds in ...
While many of Michigan's summertime birds head south when it gets cold, dozens of species thrive amid the cold. What to know about feeding them.