It seems strange and somehow counterproductive for Congress to ask people who were likely involved in the attack on the United States government in the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection to help ...
The Missouri Compromise of 1820 kept an uneasy alliance for many years between the North and South. However, when California became a state further compromise had to be created. The Democrat ...
This bill, if made into law, would repeal the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which said that slavery could not extend above the 36' 30" line. It would open the North to slavery. Northerners were ...
The Kansas-Nebraska Act effectively nullified the Missouri Compromise, leading to a race to settle Kansas that resulted in pitched battles and a prelude to the Civil War. Although Pierce sought a ...
1820- The Missouri Compromise; 1861-1865, The Civil War (750,000 soldiers killed, millions more maimed for life, uncounted ...
In 1820 the Missouri Compromise was passed to sort out this issue. By 1819, the US was made up of 22 states - evenly split between Slave States and Free States. In November 1819, Missouri ...