Three recent books on contemporary British politics and foreign policy bring readers through the tumult of the past decade to the uncertainty that lies ahead.
Books like these comment on political events, systems, and theories while examining wider social issues. As a result, they are often controversial in their content but, by the same token, utterly ...
"The gospel message is a political message. The Bible is a politicalbook from Genesis to Revelations. We see that the Bible is a politicalbook," said Lorenzo Sewell, pastor of 180 Church ...
The Floridian Candidate is Book 1 of The Willing Fool, a darkly satirical series that dives deeper into the chaos and intrigue of contemporary society. This debut sets the stage for a larger narrative ...
Pierson and Schickler explain why the long-held assumption that competition in the United States’ two-party system will drive both parties to compete for voters in the center no longer holds.