Abadan, Iran - Wikipedia
Abadan (Persian: آبادان; pronounced [ʔɒːbɒːˈdɒːn]) [a] is a city in the Central District of Abadan County, Khuzestan province, Iran, serving as capital of both the county and the district. [4] The city is in the southwest of the county. It lies on Abadan Island (68 km or 42 mi long, 3–19 km or 2–12 miles wide).
阿巴丹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
阿巴丹 (波斯語: آبادان Ābādān, 發音: [ʔɒːbɒːˈdɒːn]),又译 亚巴丹,是 伊朗 胡齐斯坦省 港口城市。 位于伊朗西南端 阿拉伯河 的 阿巴丹岛 (英语:Abadan island) 上,距 波斯湾 约50公里。 地理位置北纬30.4度,东经48.3度。 人口约30万。 它是世界最大炼油中心之一,是世界上最大的石油储藏和精炼基地,建有伊朗境内最大的炼油厂阿巴丹炼油厂及石油化工厂。 炼油厂建于1913年,炼油能力年达3000万吨。 早在 阿拉伯帝国 阿拔斯王朝 时期,阿巴丹就是一座贸易 …
Abadan | Iran, Port, & Oil Refinery | Britannica
Ābādān, city, extreme southwestern Iran. The city is situated in Khūzestān, part of the oil-producing region of Iran. Ābādān lies on an island of the same name along the eastern bank of the Shaṭṭ Al-ʿArab (river), 33 miles (53 km) from the Persian Gulf. The city thus lies along Iran’s border with Iraq.
阿巴丹 - 百度百科
阿巴丹 (Abadan)伊朗胡齐斯坦省港口城市,人口50万(2005年)。 地理位置北纬30.4度,东经48.3度。 位于伊朗西南端、阿拉伯河的阿巴丹岛北岸,东南距波斯湾53公里,西北距霍拉姆沙赫尔15千米,伊朗石油输出的集散地,伊朗国营石油公司总部所在地。
阿巴丹 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
阿巴丹 (波斯語: آبادان Ābādān, 發音: [ʔɒːbɒːˈdɒːn]),又譯 亞巴丹,是 伊朗 胡齊斯坦省 港口城市。 位於伊朗西南端 阿拉伯河 的 阿巴丹島 (英語:Abadan island) 上,距 波斯灣 約50公里。 地理位置北緯30.4度,東經48.3度。 人口約30萬。 它是世界最大煉油中心之一,是世界上最大的石油儲藏和精煉基地,建有伊朗境內最大的煉油廠阿巴丹煉油廠及石油化工廠。 煉油廠建於1913年,煉油能力年達3000萬噸。 早在 阿拉伯帝國 阿拔斯王朝 時期,阿巴丹就是一座貿易 …
Abadan Island - Wikipedia
Abadan Island is an island in the delta of the Shatt al-Arab in Iran and is the site of the city of Abadan. The island hosted Anglo-Iranian Oil Company 's Abadan Refinery, [1] around which Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh 's nationalization movement was centered. [2] .
Abadan County - Wikipedia
Abadan County (Persian: شهرستان آبادان) is in Khuzestan province, Iran. Its capital is the city of Abadan, on Abadan Island. [3] After the 2011 National Census, the village of Chavibdeh was elevated to the status of a city. [4] On May 11, 2020, Iran imposed a COVID-19 lockdown in Abadan County.
Abadan – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Abadan is the capital of Abadan County. It is on Abadan Island (68 km or 42 mi long, 3–19 km or 2–12 miles wide). The island is bounded in the west by the Arvand waterway and to the east by the Bahmanshir outlet of the Karun River (the Arvand Rood), 53 km (33 mi) from the Persian Gulf, near the Iran–Iraq border.
Abadan Map - Khuzestan, Iran - Mapcarta
Abadan is a city of 230,000 people in Khuzestan, in the southwest of Iran. It is a port city and oil refining center. During the 1980 Iran-Iraq war, the city was emptied of people and heavily damaged. Photo: Wikimedia, Public domain. Photo: Maxee, CC BY-SA 3.0.
Abadan — Google Arts & Culture
Abadan is a city and capital of Abadan County, Khuzestan Province, which is located in the southwest of Iran. It lies on Abadan Island. The island is bounded in the west by the Arvand...