81 Buick Skylark - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
May 16, 2014 · 81 Buick Skylark. John1397. 04-28-2014, 11:55 AM. I have a 81 Buick Skylark with 2.8 v-6 engine auto ...
Skylark - Car Forums and Automotive Chat - Automotive Forums …
1998 Buick Skylark stall,leak,key probs.Good car; New and Old Members Please Read; Need help! 81 buick skylark tranny trouble. Please HELP ME!! 95 skylark stalls when put in gear; 97 Skylark Knock at high speed - HELP; Need Help With Firing order on 98 Buick Skylark 3.1; 1967 Buick Skylark convertible; Vacuum Diagram for 1998 buick skylark 3.1 ...
Help fan belt replacing for 81 buick skylark - Car Forums and ...
Hi there I have a problem Trying to put a new fan belt on my 81 buick skylark It has a v 6 engine with three belts the one for air conditioning ,I removed I can't Figure out how to loosen the pulley at the rear so I can get that belt on . My mechanic buddy told me there is a square hole on the pulley bracket that
Buick 81 code 44 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Nov 21, 2013 · Buick 81 code 44 Skylark Car Forums . I have a 1981 buick skylark 2.8 engine it has completely overhauled motor when tested exhaust it is about 13 to 1 in open loop 14 to 1 closed loop I now am getting intermittent code 44 when slightly up hill when down hill or decelerating light goes out sometimes light is not on for a long time I had run for a while with 10% ethanol and this seemed to cause ...
Skylark - Page 2 - Car Forums and Automotive Chat - Automotive …
94 Buick Skylark Custom - Fan Fuses Keep Blowing!! 1993 Skylark custom rear speaker install; My '87 Skylark has gone crazy. '92 Skylark Quad 4 intermittent crank, no start, no codes; skylark idles rough upon start up; Windshield wiper problem - 97 Skylark; 1991 Buick Skylark Stalling; 92 Buick Skylark owner in need of HELP!! N-body Subforum ...
71 Skylark electrical problems - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Jan 18, 2005 · I searched another Buick site & found that volt. output should be 15.5-18 max. I don't see how that would cause a no start issue though... If the alt is putting out more than enough voltage..... Unless its frying the battery maybe. I don't know. Have you had any of the batteries checked after the problem happened.
RPO Codes - Car Forums and Automotive Chat
Jan 25, 2007 · The RPO (Regular Production Order) codes are located on your spare tire cover, driver’s side door, glove box, trunk lid or under the center console on most GM cars. Usually, the Buick codes are on the spare tire cover, or trunk lid. The pic below, is an example of the SPID/RPO code sticker from my car.
81 Buick Century coil pack problem,HELP!
Dec 9, 2004 · An 81 does not have a coil pack. I would suggest a Haynes or Chiltons manual. They have a nice flow chart and lots of photos to help you. You can get one at any autoparts store. They may have to order it since the car is so old. About $15
Need wiring schematics for 81 Buick Century
Need wiring schematics for 81 Buick Century. dcprine. 11-28-2004, 11:24 PM.
need help replacing belt tensioner - 95 skylark
Aug 26, 2005 · need help replacing belt tensioner - 95 skylark Skylark Car Forums need help replacing belt tensioner - 95 skylark - Car Forums and Automotive Chat Our Community is 940,000 Strong.