Centurian99's Altansar Eldar - Articles - DakkaDakka
Yes, he's dead. He's simply just too good to pass up. If necessary, I'll convert and paint up an Altansar-counts-as-Eldrad; surviving in the EoT had to have something in their favor. HQ: Maugan Ra . Hey, its Altansar. I almost have to have a Maugan Ra …
Altansar Eldar Army Project - Forum - DakkaDakka
Apr 11, 2014 · The current location of the Altansar Craftworld is somewhere close to Terra. Some say it's parked right next to Mars. The Altansar Craftworld got to its current location undetected by human forces. The Eldar are closely tied to the Old Ones, The Necron's great enemy. Altansar is sometimes referred to as the sister Craftworld to Ulthwe. Personal ...
Altansar special rules - Articles - DakkaDakka
CRAFTWORLD ALTANSAR special rules MAUGAN RA'S home planet: Positive Maugan Ra: costs 165 points instead of 195 to reflect the likelihood of him leading an army from his home craft world. He may take a squad of 3-10 dark reapers as his entourage for normal cost.
Shades of Altansar: I need some paint advice - Forum - DakkaDakka
Sep 9, 2016 · Red_Ink_Cat wrote: From the above mentioned and pic of AoS model, I would guess that basing with a deeper red would be required to get the hue a little closer to the kind of wine color of altansar. Since screamer pink is relatively light and would take more of the wash color, a more potent red might be the way to go - maybe evil sums scarlet or ...
Eldar of Altansar, Fire prisms & painted heavy weapons.
Oct 2, 2014 · And given Altansar is the homeworld of Maugan Ra and the DR aspect then and fairly effort filled conversion is required, so keep em peeled for that one. May even use the one in the back ground for it. Rider torso, will be using DA parts mostly, mainly cause I have them in supply and and love the models.
Altansar Rangers? - Forum - DakkaDakka
Sep 18, 2021 · Altansar disappears into the Eye 500 years after the Fall. As such, would it be reasonable to assume that the principles of the Path had reached Altansar by the time the were sucked into the Eye? Whilst stuck in the eye, would there have been much call for the services of rangers, or even the opportunity to become one, given that everywhere ...
Lore-appropriate Craftworld Attribute for Craftworld Altansar
Jan 4, 2019 · However, upon reading more into the lore, especially with Altansar described as 'the sister Craftworld of Ulthwe' and the fact that they, as well as Eldrad, have sided with the Ynnari that draws me towards Ulthwe as an option, not to mention that the hardiness afforded by their attribute makes for another flavourful option for a craftworld that ...
Altansar - 90's Style - Converted Avatar "Skinny K" - Forum ...
Oct 13, 2014 · Some harlequins, Ra and some Reapers just for the fluff of Altansar's liberation and Ill throw in some armour back it up, probably only a few pieces though Forgeworld Jr Wave Serpents are rarely up for sale, and Armorcast/Biasi/Epicast Falcons are around regularly enough (but not enough to find a good natural auction for em), the remainder of ...
Eldar History Research: Altansar - Forum - DakkaDakka
Apr 19, 2014 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you:
Craftworld Altansar : New Warlock & HQ Shot! - Forum
Oct 25, 2011 · It'll be one of the few instances in my Altansar army where a visibly bright and vibrant colour is used purposely. 2011/10/22 22:05:55 Subject: Craftworld Altansar : New Warlock & HQ Shot!