Extreme Fatigue from Ashwagandha - Any Ideas? - Brain Health
Aug 24, 2014 · Extreme Fatigue from Ashwagandha - Any Ideas? - posted in Brain Health: Ashwagandha used to make me feel a bit better, but now when I take it it seems to make me extremely fatigued over a period of three days or so. My endurance is lower, I have brain fog, I feel apathetic and lethargic and gets so bad that I have to stop after about a week. Ive tried a few different brands (mainly Himalaya ...
ashwagandha and piracetam? - Brain Health - LONGECITY
Feb 6, 2010 · I have felt Ashwagandha to be more a sedative with mind focusing prowess, while the Piracetam to be a mind expander, yet corrupting the natural focus of the mind. This to me speaks of a difference in effect and I wondered if the two would not either negate each other in some manner or that maybe the focus loss of Piracetam could be alleviated ...
Perika St Johns wort vs Ashwagandha or both together?
Jan 31, 2016 · Perika St Johns wort vs Ashwagandha or both together? - posted in Supplements: About to place another supplement order and wanted to ask this question. So for mollifying general anxiety and low grade depression which would you prefer, or would you prefer to stack them together? I have tried Perika brand St Johns wort before and I believe it helped me with low grade depression and some of my ...
Ashwagandha - Brain Health - LONGECITY
Feb 17, 2013 · Page 1 of 2 - Ashwagandha - posted in Brain Health: This is my first post as a new member here, and I just want to say... THANK YOU. A little about me: I have always struggled with anxiety and depression. Looking back, I believe most of my depression was strongly lin ked to my anxiety. About a week before I went to University, I found my brother in his room deceased. He had died of an unknown ...
Ashwagandha: - Supplements - LONGECITY
Jul 1, 2004 · Page 1 of 3 - Ashwagandha: - posted in Supplements: read this article, and check its sources.click hereTwo studies done in Japan also indicate that Ashwagandha stimulates the growth of axons and dendrites in human neuroblastoma cells22,23, and in rat neurons.22 This is significant because the extension of dendrites and axons-which bring information to and from the brain-may compensate for and ...
Ashwagandha - a miracle herb - Brain Health - LONGECITY
May 21, 2012 · Ashwagandha-categorised as Rasayanas, and described to promote health and longevity and Arjuna primarily for heart ailments. coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypercholesterolemia, anginal pain and can be considered as a useful drug for coronary artery disease, hypertension and ischemic cardiomyopathy.
Rhodiola vs. Ginseng vs. Ashwagandha - Supplements - LONGECITY
Jan 28, 2017 · basic and rather unscientific breakdown of primary effects would be something like: panax ginseng for attention, mood, and sexual energy. rhodiola for depression and endurance, ashwagandha for stress, anxiety, general well-being.
Can ashwagandha cause a dull, unmotivated, emotionless feeling?
Sep 2, 2011 · Can ashwagandha cause a dull, unmotivated, emotionless feeling? - posted in Brain Health: Piracetam definitely causes this in me, and I think Ashwagandha, working somewhat similarly, may do the same. I take it in Bioforge V3, a t-booster supplement thats GREAT, but the Sensoril I think gives me that effect. Did anyone else respond to Ashwagandha like this, and also why would this happen ...
What do Bacopa and Ashwagandha have in common? - LONGECITY
Jun 7, 2014 · Ashwagandha's effects on me have been positive yet subtle. It seems to reduce cortisol, or the feeling of being "stressed." It also seems to help slightly with sleep, so I typically take it in the evening/night or right before bed. I have used both sensoril and ksm-66 extracts.
Some doubts about holy basil/tulsi and ashwagandha
Apr 12, 2021 · Most consistently Adrenal Energy formula by LEF (contains ashwagandha, cordyceps, brahmi and tulsi), by Himalaya company. Also Swanson or bulk powders. Naturally had an higher intake always when for my yearly 5-6 weeks vacation in India.