Banja Luka - Wikipedia
Banja Luka is the traditional centre of the densely-forested Bosanska Krajina region of northwestern Bosnia. According to the 2013 census, the city proper has a population of 138,963, while its administrative area comprises a total of 185,042 inhabitants.
Banja Luka | Bosnia and Herzegovina, Map, History, & Facts
Feb 26, 2025 · Banja Luka, city, northern Bosnia and Herzegovina. It lies along the Vrbas River at its confluence with the Vrbanja. It serves as the capital of the Republika Srpska (Bosnian Serb Republic), one of the two largely autonomous entities that make up …
BANJA LUKA - Tourism Bosnia and Herzegovina: Visit BiH
Banja Luka is the capital city, economic and cultural center of the Republic of Srpska, and it is also the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Banja Luka is known for its abundance of green spaces, parks, and avenues, which is why many popularly refer to …
Бања Лука — Википедија
Бања Лука или Бањалука је градско насеље, односно насељено мјесто у саставу града Бање Луке као јединице локалне самоуправе у Републици Српској (Босна и Херцеговина). Представља политички, административни, финансијски, универзитетски и културни центар Републике Српске.
Баня Лука – Уикипедия
Баня Лука (на сръбски: Бања Лука, Бањалука, Banja Luka или Banjaluka; на босненски: Banja Luka) е град в Босна и Херцеговина, столица на Република Сръбска. Населението на града през 2013 година е 199 191 души, втори по големина град в Босна и Херцеговина след столицата Сараево.
巴尼亚卢卡 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
巴尼亚卢卡是 波斯尼亞地區 西北部森林茂密的 波士尼亞克拉伊納 地区的传统中心城市。 城市面积为1,238.91平方公里,2013年人口数量为185,042人,其中138,963人居住在中心城区。 该市有 巴尼亚卢卡大学 和 塞族共和国大学临床中心 (英语:University Clinical Center of the Republika Srpska),以及诸多波黑国家层次上和塞族共和国实体层次上的机构。 该市在前南斯拉夫国家中以其林荫大道、花园及公园而著称。 巴尼亚卢卡为2018年欧洲体育城市。 雖然巴尼亞盧卡最早 …
Banja Luka is a modern and vibrant city, and there is always something going on there. However, tourists, who like various events and festivals, might prefer to visit us in summer. We have handpicked few restaurants with a beautiful interior, great choice of meal and wine, and extraordinary service!
Visiter Banja Luka : le guide complet - Mahaara
Visiter Banja Luka peut être une étape incontournable de votre voyage. En effet, certains vols internationaux arrivent directement dans cette charmante ville, située à l’ouest de la Bosnie-Herzégovine.
Banja Luka: Everything You Need to Know - askLuka
Discover the beauty and charm of Banja Luka, a city rich in history and culture. Explore its fascinating historical landmarks, wander through lush parks, and immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture.
BANIALUKA, Krakow - Stare Miasto - Updated 2025 ... - Tripadvisor
It's a great chain of pubs in Krakow where you can get standard food for 17 zloty and drinks for 9 to 11 zloty. The food is okay for this price and the coffee is even great. The service varies and …
7 Things to Do in Banja Luka: Top Activities & Attractions
Feb 20, 2025 · For those pondering things to do in Banja Luka, visiting the Kastel Fortress, a historic castle offering insights into the region’s past, and exploring the Gospodska Street, a vibrant area filled with cafes, shops, and a lively atmosphere, are top activities.
Banja Luka incident - Wikipedia
Early on 27 February 1994 six pilots from the 92nd Brigade of the RS air force, including the brigade commander, Lieutenant Colonel Zvezdan Pešić, were transferred from Banja Luka to Udbina for a mission. They were joined by two RSK air force pilots. The briefing was conducted by staff from both the RS and RSK air forces.
Banja Luka – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Banja Luka (also written Banjaluka or Бања Лука) is a picturesque city in the western part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is the administrative capital and the largest city of Republika Srpska, and the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Banja Luka – Wikipedija
Banja Luka (na ćirilici: Бања Лука, do 15. st. Vrbaski/Vrbaški Grad) je drugi po veličini grad u Bosni i Hercegovini. Prema popisu stanovništva iz 2013. cijela općina broji 185 042 stanovnika i do 2019. bilježi pad budući da posljednja procjena zavoda za statistiku iznosi 184 843.
Баня-Лука — Википедия
Ба́ня-Лу́ка — город в Боснии и Герцеговине, столица Республики Сербской с 1995 года. После подписания Дейтонских мирных соглашений и Парижского Договора 1995 года столица Республики Сербской ...
Banja Luka - Wikipedia, a enciclopedia libre
Banja Luka ocupa uns 96,2 km² na parte noroeste de Bosnia, no río Vrbas. A media de altitude da cidade é de 163m por riba do nivel do mar, e está rodeada de outeiros. Parque en Banja Luka. O nacemento do río Vrbas atópase a uns 90 km máis cara ó sur, e os afluentes Suturlija, Crkvena e Vrbanja mestúranse con este río en Bania Luka.
Lalkarze z całego świata traktują festiwal Banialuki jako trwałą instytucję, która świadomie i trafnie dokonuje selekcji wśród najlepszych osiągnięć teatru lalkowego i plastycznego całego świata. Henryk Jurkowski, historyk i teoretyk teatru, profesor.
BANIALUKA - Updated December 2024 - 32 Photos & 21 Reviews
Unlike some of the other 4zl/8zl joints, Bania Luka offers pretty decent food. I usually get the beef tatar when I come here. The quality of the dish is surprisingly high given the low price. Their pierogi are also quite good. Highly recommended. The only downside is that the place is usually jam-packed at night.
- Location: pl. Szczepański 6 31-011 Kraków Poland
Bania Luka Krakow - KrakowBuzz
Aug 22, 2017 · Bania Luka Krakow is a true legend of the city. The original is a small bar on Plac Szczepanski to the west side of the Old Town. It has been a staple in the diet of Polish party-going locals and hedonistic tourist visitors since time immemorial.
Tiempo en Bania Luka, Bania Luka, Bosnia y Herzegovina
Prepárate con el pronóstico para los próximos 10 días más preciso para Bania Luka, Bania Luka, Bosnia y Herzegovina. Consulta la temperatura máxima y mínima y la probabilidad de lluvia en ...