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Baraka May, Studio Singer, Los Angeles
Baraka is an in-demand vocalist for some of the world's most renowned composers & songwriters. Her work includes studio sessions, voiceover, directing, contracting, choral conducting, …
Baraka May, Studio Singer, Los Angeles
The official website of LA session singer, vocal contractor and choral director, Baraka May.
SINGING - barakamay
Epic 80s Over the top young belt - Dancing on Water Baraka May. 00:00 / 01:20. Young kid Rock - Baby Shark - My Best Fin Baraka May. 00:00 / 01:04. 1960s girl group - The Bad Boy of …
Among other clients, Baraka is a regular vocal director for Disney Television Animation and Netflix, where she directs actors in singing and storytelling, often demoing material in advance …
MEDIA | barakamay
Baraka May Headshot Full Body1 ... Baraka May Headshot Singing1