The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - 2019 Conch House …
It is that time of year again. 2019 Conch House Wahoo Tournament is March 14 - 17, 2019. Much more info to ...
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Conch House MAHI …
Mar 21, 2018 · The wahoo tournament was huuuge! The weather is getting more predictable in April and heck, we caught a mahi during the wahoo tournament.
Conch 27 vs Onslow Bay 27 - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing …
Nov 25, 2015 · Kinda funny I own a Seacraft, a Contender, and building and selling Conch boats. In the end it is a personal choice based on many factors. Budget, quality requirements, and flexibility in the build. In the end I know for sure you will be happy with any of the above but if you want a more specialized ride look at the Conch.
Boating and Fishing Forum - Conch 33 feedback - The Hull Truth
The 27 conch is quite possibly the best riding 27 and one of the safest in rough weather.... The 33 is a R & R boat and only carries the Conch name, but not the lineage. The 33 was not designed by Eddy and Duff, nor did they think scaling a 27 was a good idea. :thumbsup:
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Conch 25 bay
Seeing if any of you have one, have ordered one, or have any experience with the newest model from Conch. I toured the factory and was impressed with build quality and design - similar lines to the zcb Freemason but has a pad extending the running surface. Looking for anymore insight - real performance numbers, pics, etc.
Conch trap ideas - The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum
Sep 8, 2013 · Northeast - Conch trap ideas - Hello, I am a lobster man in maine and am currently building conch traps to fish off season in Long island sound. I grew up in old saybrook ct, I've fished wooden traps in the sound before, they seem to work but they get wormed out and fall apart. I started building traps out of bait
Cape Horn 31T VS Contender 30T - The Hull Truth
This is a good assessment. I met you Last week at the conch house I was on the AquaDiziak. Thursday we had 5 guys gear, clothes, food for the entire 4 days with no issues with storage. It's a rock solid platform.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Conch 30 is born
Explain why my stepless 33 conch (36 overall) runs 59 mph with 300 suzukis... And averages 1.6 mpg with a load.... Seeing north of 2mpg light. What's a comparable 34-36 Yf, 36 inv, run with the same power
Boating and Fishing Forum - 2018 Conch 30 Build Thread! - The …
May 11, 2017 · The WW and Conch are pretty close in fuel economy. Remember, these boats can get 2mpg all day long. I ran from Key West to Havana and back and just barely dipped into the front tanks (100 front, 100 rear).
Penn 70 line recommendations - The Hull Truth
Mar 19, 2018 · SportFishing and Charters Forum - Penn 70 line recommendations - Just purchased 3 Penn 70VS reels and plan on using one on a planner road and the other two on some 80# rods.