Cottidae - Wikipedia
The Cottidae are a family of fish in the superfamily Cottoidea, the sculpins. It is the largest sculpin family, with about 275 species in 70 genera. [2] They are referred to simply as cottids to avoid …
杜父鱼 - 百度百科
杜父鱼有健脾益气、滋补肝肾、安胎的功效,主治胃脘作痛、脾虚泄泻、消化不良、小儿疳积、胎动不安,小儿睾丸发育不良等。 杜父鱼营养价值高,肉含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素A、维生素B …
杜父魚科 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
杜父魚科(學名: Cottidae )是輻鰭魚綱 鱸形目(或傳統上鮋形目)的一科,是杜父魚下目(或杜父魚上科)最大的一科,包括70属275种生物,分布于全球,主要在亚寒带及冷温带海域; …
Cottus (fish) - Wikipedia
Cottus is a genus of the mainly freshwater ray-finned fishes belonging to the family Cottidae, the typical sculpins. They are often referred to as the "freshwater sculpins", as they are the …
Sculpins - U.S. National Park Service
Feb 26, 2021 · Darting low through tide pools or lurking in stream bottoms, members of the large fish family, Cottidae, are commonly called sculpins. They also go by “bullhead” or “sea …
杜父鱼科 - 百度百科
杜父鱼科,Cottidae,硬骨鱼纲鲉形目的一科鱼类。 两腹鳍不愈合成吸盘。 肛门腹位;体圆筒形,最长约60cm,有时具骨板。
FAMILY Details for Cottidae - Sculpins - fishbase.se
Distribution: Northern Hemisphere and near New Zealand. Habitat: Benthic. Morphology: Body often appears naked, commonly bearing scales or prickles; eye usually large, located high on …
Most species are found in oceans but a few are adapted to freshwater habitats. Their bodies are smooth but ornamented with prickly scales or spines. Their eyes are large and often sit high …
杜父鱼亚目(COTTOIDEI)是 脊椎动物亚门 硬骨鱼纲 鲈形总目 鲉形目 动物。 头平扁,棘突有或无。 体后部侧扁。 体无鳞,或鳞很小,或为突起或为骨板。 腹鳍正常或呈吸盘状,胸位或喉 …
Cottidae - Animalia
The Cottidae are a family of fish in the superfamily Cottoidea, the sculpins. It is the largest sculpin family, with about 275 species in 70 genera. They are referred to simply as cottids to avoid …