East German Uniforms - GermanDotMilitaria
wo164 - FEMALE green DDR Uniform Tie Schlips Binder - used by Volkspolizei VoPo VP police £12.00
East German Militaria - East German Uniforms - Hessen Antique
Hessen Antique is your source for original Nationale Volksarmee der DDR Headgear, clothing, gear, insignia and other collectible items. Here is a selection of unique, collectible East …
DDR Generals Insignia & Uniforms - The Marshal’s Baton
Uniforms, headgear and insignia produced during the first few years of the NVA (1956-1965) rival their 3 rd Reich counterparts in terms of quality, rarity and aesthetic appeal. Uniforms and …
East German uniform group | NVA Uniform Collectors (ONVAUC) …
DIE LETZTE WACHABLÖSUNG DER DDR 1990. The Organization of NVA Uniform Collectors (ONVAUC) is an organization for the military hobbyist and historian.
DDR - East German relics & items for purchase - Germania …
Their uniform consisted of stone gray tunic and bloused jophers for officers. This outfit we offer is the most complete one we have ever seen -- offered with cap, tunic, shirt, agulette, dress belt, …
Uniformen & Ausrüstungen - DDR / Deutsche Demokratische
Deutsche Demokratische Republik ( DDR ) Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee (LSK), Anzug und Pilotenhelm für Kampfpiloten, Mikojan-Gurewitsch (MiG-29) Anzug mit …
Uniformen aus dem Buch "Uniformen der DDR" - DGP - Blogger
An der Uniform wird die grün durchwirkte Schützenschnur und das Leistungsabzeichen der DGP getragen. Dienstuniform für einen Leutnant der DGP (Deutschen Grenzpolzei) in der …
East German Grenzschutz Uniforms - DDR UNIFORMS - World …
Jan 12, 2019 · I thought I would post a series of DDR Grenzschutz (Border Service) uniforms as they changed a bit over time. The first I will show is a standard Grenzer uniform that was worn …
Uniformen aus dem Buch "Uniformen der DDR" - Grenztruppen …
Ausgangsuniform für einen Hauptmann der GT (Grenztruppen der DDR). 4-Tachen-Rock der offenen Fasson und Schirmmütze aus Kammgarn. Die Effekten alle noch in Handstickerei. …
East German Info Corner - Uniforms - GermanDotMilitaria
Uniforms. There was conscription service in the DDR, which could be done with the NVA, Grenztruppen, BePo, MfS or Kompanien der TraPo. Every able bodied male had to do military …