Gr7 Afrikaans Idiome Flashcards - Quizlet
Don't know? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like So warm dat die kraaie gaap, Speel 'n hind uit 'n bos, Daar is 'n slang in die gras and more.
25 Hilarious Afrikaans Idioms That Should Exist in English
Feb 13, 2016 · “Dt is so warm die kraaie gaap.” Literally – Its so hot the crows are yawning. Meaning its very hot (refering to weather only) “Sy/hy is in warm water.” Literally – she/he is in hot water. Meaning the person is in trouble “Moenie jou eier lê nie.” Literally – Dont lay your egg.
Dit is warm. - It is hot. - Mondly Phrasebook
“ Dit is warm. Definition: a statement used to describe the current state of weather or temperature, indicating a high or uncomfortable level of warmth in the environment. Want to learn more than just "Dit is warm."?
Describing Weather and Seasons in Afrikaans
– It is very hot in summer: Dit is baie warm in die somer. – Leaves fall in autumn: Blare val in die herfs. – It snows in winter: Dit sneeu in die winter.
Supertaal: Woordeboek » warm - gesellig
Jun 8, 2019 · Intensief: vuurwarm, witwarm, gloeiwarm, kooltjiewarm, sweetwarm, kokend warm, rooiwarm, snikwarm, stikwarm, helwarm Betekenis: • Met 'n taamlik hoë temperatuur; nie koud nie. • Wat hitte binne hou. • Wat 'n mens opgewonde of gelukkig en goed laat voel. Gebruik: • Sjoe, die vuur is warm! • Die kombers is lekker warm.
warm - Afrikaans definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms …
Learn the definition of 'warm'. Check out the pronunciation, synonyms and grammar. Browse the use examples 'warm' in the great Afrikaans corpus.
warm /somer franse woorde Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Dit is (baie) warm, Dit is mooi weer, Dit is sonnige weer and more.
warm - Afrikaans definisie, grammatika, uitspraak, sinonieme en ...
Leer die definisie van 'warm'. Kyk na die uitspraak, sinonieme en grammatika. Kyk na die gebruiksvoorbeelde 'warm' in die groot Afrikaans korpus.
Idiome 3 Flashcards - Quizlet
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Die kat uit die boom kyk, Die kraaie gaap, Klein muisies het groot ore and more.
Is dit warm daarso? - Afrikaans example sentence - Tatoeba
This sentence was initially added as a translation of sentence #50759 Is it hot over there?. Is dit warm daar? added by winterstream, June 30, 2013 #50759 Is it hot over there? linked by winterstream, June 30, 2013. Is dit warm daarso? edited by winterstream, June 30, 2013. language English.