ART-Dok - Publication Platform for Art History and Visual Studies
ART-Dok is the publication platform of arthistoricum.net. Academics from all over the world are enabled to publish texts on art (e.g. monographs, articles, lectures) free of charge and without access limitation.
Restauriranje i konzerviranje umjetnina - DOK-ART
Djelatnici DOK-ART-a su visokoškolovani stručnjaci s dugogodišnjim iskustvom, te licencirani za rad na umjetninama s dopuštenjem Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske za obavljanje poslova na zaštiti i očuvanju kulturnih dobara.
Dok | Buy Original Art Online | Artsper - Widewalls
Born in 1979, Dok is is an emblematic figure of the French graffiti scene. He began his career during in the '90s, during the golden years of the French graffiti scene, tagging walls in Paris, with other famous graffiti artists such as Kiss and Eyeone.
DOK: Biography & Technique - Eternity Gallery
Born in 1979, Dok is a major and emblematic figure of the French graffiti scene. He began his career during the 90s, in full expansion of the French graffiti scene, by tagging the walls of the capital, in the company of the famous Kiss and Eyone.
Students at DOK 1 are able to define and describe the use of art elements, principles, style, media, and/or techniques. They can identify the function of art in a culture, and make connections between visual art and other content areas.
Concept Artist - Dok Whitson Freelance Art - LinkedIn
Specialties: Advanced Skills: Conceptual Design, Graphic Design, Photoshop, Sketchbook Pro, Color Theory, Draftsmanship, Illustration, File Management and Verbal and Written Communication....
- Title: Concept Artist
- Location: Dok Whitson Freelance Art
- Connections: 279
Radovima restauriranja i konzerviranja umjetnina pokretne i nepokretne kulturne baštine, bavi se obrt DOK-ART, vl. Andrej Dokić. Specijalizirani su za slike na različitim nosiocima, polikromirane drvene skulpture, zidno slikarstvo, namještaj, štukomramor, metal i drugo.
DOK | Exchange Art
3D Art AI Art Abstract Algorithmic Art Animation Audio Visual Augmented Reality Collage Derivative Art Drawing Fashion Figurative Generative Art Glitch Art Illustration Interactive Art Meme Mixed Media Music Painting Photography Physical Pixel Art Poetry Profile Picture Sculpture Street Art Textile Art Written. Ctrl K .
DOK - ART OBRT ZA RESTAURIRANJE UMJETNINA VL. ANDREJ DOKIĆ, DIPL. RESTAURATOR - KONZERVATOR I IGOR BORIĆ, ZAGREB, LAURENČIĆEVA 14. Godina osnivanja: 2003. Gdje smo? Nažalost subjekt DOK - ART, OBRT ZA RESTAURIRANJE UMJETNINA nije moguće kontaktirati putem ovog obrasca jer se email kontakt ne nalazi evidentiran u našoj bazi.
Restauriranje i konzerviranje umjetnina - DOK-ART
Početna. O nama. Fotogalerija. Slike na različitim nosiocima. Franjevački samostan, Koprivnica, 2013. (1/2) Franjevački samostan, Koprivnica, 2013.