Dungeon - Wikipedia
A dungeon is a room or cell in which prisoners are held, especially underground. Dungeons are generally associated with medieval castles, though their association with torture probably derives more from the Renaissance period.
DUNGEON Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The word dungeon, in use in English since the 1300s, originally referred to the keep of a castle—the massive inner tower detached from the rest of the structure that was its most securely located and protected part.
DUNGEON | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
One thought one knew him, and then - all of a sudden - by some response, or silence, or unexpected decision he would disconcert one, to escape and retreat into his dungeon.
Dungeon Scrawl | Free Online D&D Map Maker
With Dungeon Scrawl, you can create a quick, unexpected battle map in just 60 seconds - how’s that for last-minute map making.
AI Dungeon
AI Dungeon, an infinitely generated text adventure...
AI Dungeon
AI Dungeon is a text-based, AI generated fantasy simulation with infinite possibilities. Unlike most games where you experience worlds created by game designers, with AI Dungeon, you can direct the AI to create worlds, characters, and scenarios for your character to interact with.
D&D Dungeon Generator | Mystic Waffle
Instantly generate random D&D dungeon maps, area descriptions, and a lot of loot for those adventurers! Or use the draw tool to create maps from scratch!
Dungeon Soup - YouTube
This is an animated D&D/Fantasy parody! - 🧙 Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/dungeonsoup Subscribe for more: …
Dungeons & Dragons | The Official Home of D&D
In this new level 3 adventure from the Dungeon Dudes, players traverse the sewers beneath the corrupted ruins of Drakkenheim to face off against mutated monsters! This adventure is integrated with the D&D Beyond toolset, including the VTT!
Dungeon | Anime Adventures Wiki - Fandom
Dungeons is a game mode that adds a choose your own adventure feeling to the game. in order to start a dungeon, the player must have a dungeon key which can be obtained through Daily Quests, the gambler npc outside of Summon. upon starting a dungeon, the key will be consumed, and the player will be granted 3 choices, the three Tiles on the bottom show you what loot you …