GimBall, an insect-like, crash-happy flying robot - EPFL
Oct 30, 2013 · We thus designed GimBall, a flying robot that can collide with objects seamlessly. Thanks to a passively rotating spherical cage, it remains stable even after taking hits from all sides. This approach enables GimBall to fly in the most difficult places without complex sensors.
Gimball: a crash-happy flying robot - EPFL
Jan 11, 2013 · This 34 centimeter in diameter spherical flying robot buzzes around the most unpredictable, chaotic environments, without the need for fragile detection sensors. This resiliency to injury, inspired by insects, is what sets it apart from other flying robots.
Gimball flying spherical robot takes collisions in its stride - New …
Oct 31, 2013 · Now researchers at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland have got in on the act with Gimball, a flying robot that takes crashing into obstacles in its stride.
GimBall: The flying robot that likes to crash
Nov 12, 2013 · It's GimBall, a flying robot that could change the face of search-and-rescue missions. The futuristic, floating ball features a protective frame, allowing it to bounce off surfaces without...
Ultra-fast, the robotic arm catches objects on the fly - YouTube
May 12, 2014 · A robot developed by EPFL researchers is capable of reacting on the spot and grasping objects with complex shapes and trajectories in less than five hundredt...
Ultra-fast, the robotic arm can catch objects on the fly - EPFL
Dec 5, 2014 · A robot developed by EPFL researchers is capable of reacting on the spot and grasping objects with complex shapes and trajectories in less than five hundredths of a second. With its palm open, the robot is completely motionless.
Bird-inspired Drone Uses Legs to Walk and Jump into the Air
Dec 4, 2024 · A flying robot with bird-like legs is allowing researchers to explore both why birds jump to take off, and how that can be beneficially applied to fixed-wing drones.
This flying robot needs a hug - The Verge
Jul 17, 2024 · The UAV, which its designers from the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) have called the PercHug, is yet another robot …
Bioinspired Vision-based Microflyers - Laboratory of Intelligent ... - EPFL
We plan to take inspiration from flying insects both for the design of the vision chips and for the choice of control architectures. Instead, for the design of the microflyers, we intend to develop innovative solutions and improvements over existing micro-helicopter and micro-airplanes.
Mon projet propose d’elargir la recherche dans les systèmes de détection de victimes en avalanche. Par le déclenchement d’une poignée à la manière d’un airbag ABS, le skieur prit dans l’avalanche propulse un ballon se gonfl ant à l’hélium dans le ciel. L’objectif étant de réduire considérablement le temps et la zone de recherche.