VBA for Excel throws "Object variable or with block variable not set ...
Mar 30, 2014 · What about the below code: For i = 1 to 1 ' change to the number of sheets in the workbook Set oLookin1 = Worksheets(i).UsedRange sLookFor1 = "Field Name" Set oFound1 = oLookin1.Find(What:=sLookFor1, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole, MatchCase:=False) If Not oFound1 Is Nothing Then Field_Name = oFound1.Column RRow = oFound1.Row +1 ' code goes here Else Msgbox "Field Name was not found in ...
How using try catch for exception handling is best practice
Feb 20, 2013 · The only time you should worry your users about something that happened in the code is if there is something they can or need to do to avoid the issue.
vba - Compile Error: Block If Without End If - Stack Overflow
Feb 16, 2016 · Block If without End If is a very straight-forward error, it literally tells you what is wrong, you are missing an End If – SierraOscar Commented Feb 16, 2016 at 16:41
Error: Argument or block definition required - Stack Overflow
Jun 2, 2020 · Error: Argument or block definition required on main.tf line 52, in variable "listener": 52: [ An argument or block definition is required here. I am going to create a separate variable file later. At the moment I want to get basic skeleton working.
Why am I getting "IndentationError: expected an indented block"?
The output states that you need to have an indented block line 2, after the if 3 != 4: statement - You are using Python2.x and have a mix of tabs and spaces: Input
vba - Compile error: End If without block If - Stack Overflow
Mar 22, 2014 · Further to my comments above, change your code to . If Not cel Is Nothing Then If cel.Offset(0, 8).Value = "Yes" Then wshT.Cells(r, 14).Value = "Virtual" If cel.Offset(0, 8).Value = "" Then wshT.Cells(r, 14).Value = "Physical" End If
node.js - ERR_BLOCKED_BY_ORB with puppeteer - Stack Overflow
Oct 25, 2023 · I'm working on an Express JS API for converting base64 HTML to PDF. I'm using Puppeteer for this conversion. Within the HTML code, there is an image hosted on a dedicated server that requires
Python Syntax Error: expected an intended block
Aug 27, 2016 · No problem :) Just four spaces in from the start of the line. If you look at my amended code, you can see the spaces there. It's the way Python tells how bits of code should be put together, or put in a "block". An "if" statement is special, because you need to know what to do for the if. Is it just the next one line, or 4 lines?
How to handle error for response Type blob in HttpRequest
Jan 29, 2018 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Try Teams for free Explore Teams
excel - "Block if without end if" error VBA - Stack Overflow
Jul 29, 2014 · Don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure many programmers will be familiar with losing hours due to a ; or a : or something ridiculous.