word choice - How can we describe a broad sense of taste?
Aug 17, 2015 · Palate - A person’s appreciation of taste and flavor, especially when sophisticated and discriminating. Eclectic - Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of …
A synonym for "picky" with a positive connotation (food)?
Jul 5, 2015 · The title of the question speaks of positive connotation and food. I suggest making the phrase therefore positive, and referring to fine palate for the notion of food. It is written: …
What Does "easy on the" Mean in Food Preparation?
Sep 26, 2014 · You can also say this when they're in the process of adding the condiment and you think they're adding too much or might add too much (whether or not it's for you; it could …
What is the etymology of "happy as a sandboy"?
Apr 25, 2011 · (A neddy is a donkey; a capon is a rooster for meat; an epicure is "a person who cultivates a discriminating palate for the enjoyment of good food and drink".) Bonus Victorian …
meaning - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Mar 15, 2015 · Gourmet refers to food and drink exclusively. In contrast, epicure hints at sensual pleasures in addition to food and drink, with both the OED and Merriam-Webster focusing the …
synonyms - What is a word for food preferences? - English …
Sep 22, 2012 · What single word would you use to describe a list of food preferences, which includes: Allergies (e.g ...
personal names - Capitalization in food - English Language
Jun 26, 2019 · Wording and Capitalization of Western food. 2. Capitalization of "biomedical" 0.
Was “tickle (someone's) fancy” originally a double entendre?
Sep 6, 2015 · And unlesse the word of God were, as the Jewes tell us of the Manna, though very fabulously, (yet we have the same in the Apocrypha in the 16th of Wisdome; that whatsoever …
Word for a someone who likes food or likes to eat.
Dec 26, 2015 · A foodie is someone with an interest in food, usually one who makes a hobby out of it—trying new restaurants, cooking, and so on. I think that’s the best fit. I think that’s the …
prepositions - “provide X to someone” vs “provide X for someone ...
Mar 28, 2019 · However, "provide food for their young" means specifically: care for them by giving them food. We even have an idiom based on that: This provides food for thought. Parents …