Meskwaki - Wikipedia
The Meskwaki (sometimes spelled Mesquaki), also known by the European exonyms Fox Indians or the Fox, are a Native American people. They have been closely linked to the Sauk people of the same language family.
Fox (Meskwaki) Tribe: Facts, Clothes, Food and History
Nov 20, 2012 · Summary and Definition: The Fox (Meskwaki) tribe were a fierce, warlike people who originally inhabited territory in the western Great Lakes region and then in Green Bay, Wisconsin. Chief Kiala led the tribe in a series of conflicts against the French in …
Meskwaki Nation | Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
2 days ago · Iowa’s only federally recognized Indian tribe, the Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa, is known as the Meskwaki Nation, or the “People of the Red Earth.” Our settlement is located near Tama, Iowa, and is comprised of more than 8,624 acres.
Fox | Fox People | Indigenous, Arctic, Nomadic | Britannica
Fox, an Algonquian-speaking tribe of North American Indians who called themselves Meshkwakihug, the “Red-Earth People.” When they first met French traders in 1667, the tribe lived in the forest zone of what is now northeastern Wisconsin. Tribes to their east referred to them as “foxes,” a custom.
Fox (tribe) - New World Encyclopedia
The Fox were a warlike tribe, described by neighboring tribes as troublesome, thieving, and passionate, and renowned for their courage and bravery in battle. They were proficient craftsmen with both dug-out and birch-bark canoes , which is why their trade industry flourished.
Sac and Fox Nation - Wikipedia
The Sac and Fox Nation (Sauk language: Thâkîwaki) is the largest of three federally recognized tribes of Sauk and Meskwaki (Fox) Indian peoples. They are based in central Oklahoma. [2] Originally from the Lake Huron and Lake Michigan area, they were forcibly relocated to Oklahoma in the 1870s and are predominantly Sauk. [2]
History | Meskwaki | Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi
Learn about the history of the Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa, also known as the Meskwaki Nation. Iowa's only federally recognized Tribe.
About the Meskwaki Nation | Indian Tribe in Tama County, IA
Learn about the Meskwaki Nation (also known as the the Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa) — the only federally recognized Indian tribe in Iowa.
Who are Fox Indians? (with picture) - America Explained
May 17, 2024 · Who are Fox Indians? The Fox Indians are a Native American tribe made up of Sac, Asakiwaki (Sauk) and Meshwahkihaki (Mequakie/Fox) people. They are indigenous to the northeastern regions of the present-day United States.
Sac and Fox Culture and History - Native Languages of the …
Tribal maps showing the original territory of the Sauk and Fox Indians and their neighbors. Maps showing the locations of the Sac and Fox reservations today. Historical maps and articles about the Sac and Fox, Menominee, Shawnee, and other tribes. Essay on the Meskwaki people of Iowa, by a Meskwaki elder.