GE Breaker compatibility | Information by Electrical Professionals …
Aug 21, 2012 · D wants to sell a Homeline breaker that can be UL listed to plug into any GE panel that would accept a THQP, that means $25K per breaker (frame), per GE panel. So assuming at least 2 breaker frames in residential plug-ins (typically 15-60A and 70A and above, even if they look the same on the outside), that is 40 tests at $25K each; $1,000,000 ...
what's wrong with GE "slimline" breakers? | Information by …
Mar 6, 2004 · Re: what's wrong with GE "slimline" breakers? Ronson, You should talk to GE and an attorney about this. These are UL listed breakers designed for this load center. The only person that has a right to reject these breakers is the property owner. If the addendum the inspector sends you say they prohibit slim or piggy back breakers you are covered.
GE breakers in Siemens panels? | Information by Electrical ...
Jun 14, 2011 · Cutler Hammer makes classified breakers which say their breakers can go in GE, Siemans, Homeline, etc panels, BUT the panels only list their own breakers as being suitable. So a electrician can show that the classified breaker is listed for a particular panel, but the same panel does not have a listing for the Cutler Hammer breaker.
Compatibilty breakers for GE panel | Information by Electrical ...
Jan 14, 2012 · It has 30 spaces for full size breakers and 10 of those spaces have slots to that allow the installation of the "other than full size" breakers. This 30-40 panelboard can contain 30 full size breakers and no tandem breakers, or it can contain 20 full size breakers with 10 "other than full size" breakers for a total of 40 circuits.
Old GE breakers, compatability | Information by Electrical ...
Aug 23, 2017 · You best bet would be to contact a breaker shop to purchase used TR breakers. The last time I sold all the used breakers I collected the guy at the breaker shop almost started drooling when he saw I had old GE tandems. I guess they are in big demand and not very many of them around. THQP breakers will not fit.
Fun with Dual Function Breakers, GE | Information by Electrical ...
Mar 20, 2022 · I have (4) Dual function breakers that are continually tripping ( 20A GE ). The most interesting part is that one of them is tripping when it is in the panel, but with nothing else connected. I put a meter in series between the N pigtail and the N bus to see what was up and read as much as 0.4A when it is tripping.
Seimens brk in GE box | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
Aug 5, 2008 · Well here is a kicker for you. The new GE Combination ARC Fault CB's are made by Siemens. Look like a Siemens only difference is the sticker. OK call me a liar but I have seen Siemens Panels that have Murray MP breakers listed on the panel cover. GE also uses CH type BR 50 and 60A 2 Pole GFI Breakers with their label for their Spa panels. Go Figure
Square D breakers in GE panel | Information by Electrical …
Aug 9, 2017 · I know that only breakers recommended by the panel manufacturer should be used. I just discovered the electrician who added c. 20 breakers (new circuits) to my GE panel used SqD HOM breakers last year. The original breakers (10 years ago) are GE and fine. I have not had any issues with any of the new breakers, but that does not really mean ...
GE Circuit breakers | Information by Electrical Professionals for ...
Nov 16, 2006 · GE breakers need to see about 40 times the handle rating to be in the instantaneous trip part of the trip curve. Square D and most other brands need 11 times or less. So with the GE breaker you are likely operating in the inverse time part of the trip curve and it will take longer to clear the fault.
Can a Siemens combination AFCI breaker be used in a GE Panel
May 29, 2020 · Unlike other brands, the neutral load lug provided on the GE AFCI breaker is there simply for your wiring convenience, and is purely optional. For new construction you have the option of returning the neutral wire to the breaker or simply to the neutral bar (as space allows).