Glyptodont - Wikipedia
Glyptodonts are an extinct clade of large, heavily armoured armadillos, reaching up to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft) in height, and maximum body masses of around 2 tonnes. They had short, deep skulls, a fused vertebral column, and a large bony carapace made up of hundreds of individual scutes.
Glyptodon - Wikipedia
Glyptodon (lit. 'grooved or carved tooth'; from Ancient Greek γλυπτός (gluptós) 'sculptured' and ὀδοντ-, ὀδούς (odont-, odoús) 'tooth') [1] is a genus of glyptodont, an extinct group of large, herbivorous armadillos, that lived from the Pliocene, around 3.2 million years ago, [2] to the early Holocene, around 11,000 years ago, in South America.
Glyptodon - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Glyptodon (del griego γλυπτο (glypto), esculpido y δοντι (donti), diente «diente con surco o esculpido») es un género extinto de grandes mamíferos acorazados pertenecientes a la subfamilia Glyptodontinae, emparentado con los armadillos actuales, que vivió durante la época del Pleistoceno en América del Sur. Con su caparazón óseo redondeado y ext...
Glyptodon | Glyptodontidae, Armadillo-like, Megafauna | Britannica
Feb 8, 2025 · Glyptodon, genus of extinct giant mammals related to modern armadillos and found as fossils in deposits in North and South America dating from the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs (5.3 million to 11,700 years ago). Glyptodon and its close relatives, the glyptodonts, were encased from head to tail in.
Glyptodon: The Prehistoric Armadillo That Was The Size Of A Car
Jun 21, 2018 · Glyptodons lived from approximately 5.3 million to 11,700 years ago, which means that early humans coexisted with these large creatures. But our ancestors had little to fear because these herbivores weren’t hunters; they ate primarily plants as they roamed across present-day North and South America. Wikimedia Commons A glyptodon skeleton and shell.
Gliptodonte: características, hábitat, alimentación, reproducción
Jun 7, 2021 · El gliptodonte fue un mamífero antiguo que existió durante la época del Pleistoceno, en el período Cuaternario de la Era Cenozoica. Fue descrito por primera vez en 1839 por el reconocido biólogo inglés Richard Owen.
Glyptodon Facts and Figures - ThoughtCo
Jul 31, 2019 · One of the most distinctive—and comical-looking— megafauna mammals of prehistoric times, Glyptodon was essentially a dinosaur-sized armadillo, with a huge, round, armored carapace, stubby, turtle-like legs, and a blunt head on a short neck.
El Gliptodonte Mexicano: Qué sabemos sobre el Pleistoceno
Descubre el gliptodonte mexicano, un gigante del Pleistoceno que revela secretos de nuestra historia natural. ¡Explora su mundo!
Glyptodonts: Armadillo Ancestors | AMNH
Feb 22, 2016 · New research using a novel technique to recover ancient DNA reveals that the evolutionary history of glyptodonts—huge, armored mammals that went extinct in the Americas at the end of the last ice age—is unexpectedly brief.
Cómo era el gliptodonte, “armadillo gigante” que se ... - Infobae
Dec 3, 2019 · El gliptodonte era un megamamífero -pesan más de una tonelada- que comprendía la fauna tan particular de la región pampeana que nos hace pensar en la sabana africana actual (Gabriel Lío,...