Why is Gotenks never seen going Super Saiyan 2, only 3?
Nov 19, 2016 · But, Gohan become Super Saiyan at the age of 11 (9 in manga). While Trunks and Goten were able to make the transformation to Super Saiyan at a far younger age than their fathers, at the age of 8 and 7 respectively. You can refer more from one of my answer about this topic here. If the statements above are true, it is likely that Hybrid Saiyans ...
How did Goten and Trunks become Super Saiyan so easily?
Sep 6, 2015 · Goten and Trunks are brought into a universe different from the one their fathers grew up in. For them, Super Saiyans are no longer these "mythical beings" legends had everyone believe. Psychologically, achieving Super Sayian status was completely plausible in their young minds, and mentality did seem to carry a lot of weight in pushing Sayians ...
Teen Gohan Vs Goten - Battles - Comic Vine
Oct 14, 2015 · Also, that would mean Super Buu >= SSJ Goten + SSJ Trunks = SSJ2 Goten or Trunks, when he was clearly above a SSJ2. 9 years ago. traskindustries. Follow 2521. Forum Posts. 0 ...
Ssj2 Rage Vegeta [DBS] vs Ssj Goten [DBGT] - Comic Vine
Dec 5, 2024 · Ssj2 Rage Vegeta [DBS] vs Ssj Goten [DBGT] VS Conditions: Combatants are at Peak Condition and Power. Both fighters have their feats & scaling from their respective canons.
SSJ3 Gotenks vs SSJ2 Kefla (Stats Equalized) - Comic Vine
Mar 10, 2018 · Gotenks vs Kefla Round 1: Friendly match. No prep Morals On. Unlimited Fusion Time Limit.Fight takes place in Worlds Martial Arts Arena. Winner by KO
SSj2 Kid Gohan (truly bloodlust) vs Super Perfect Cell ... - Comic Vine
Mar 28, 2016 · SSj2 Kid Gohan (truly bloodlust) vs Super Perfect Cell, M10 LSSj Broly and Super Hatchiyack (READ OP) ... So, if your thread is set up after goten is born, then gohan has lost a lot of emotions ...
Base Gotenks vs SS2 Gohan - Battles - Comic Vine
Sep 4, 2020 · Although Piccolo was wrong, that should put Post-Training Base Gotenks above Gohan SSJ2. Unless Piccolo was seriously thinking that SSJ2 Gohan could stand a chance against Super Buu like base Gotenks.
Majin Vegeta ssj2, Goten and Trunks ssj vs Broly lssj
Jan 27, 2016 · Broly is at movie 10 level. Majin Vegeta is not fighting Babidi in his head, NO PIS. Don't say stuff like Vegeta hitting his scar or some Goku garbag
Broly Lssj + Majin Vegeta + Super Perfect Cell vs Good Buu
Team 1Broly is in his Lssj form and his movie 10 incarnation.Majin Vegeta is a Ssj2.Super Perfect Cell is at full power.Team 2Good Buu.Goku Ssj2.Kid
Goten and Trunks vs Two Cell jrs - Battles - Comic Vine
Round 2: Fusion allowed but NO ssj3 - Goten and Trunks via fusion (as long as Gotenks doesn't play around too long and defuse) ... Base Gotenks is at least on par with a SSJ2 in the realm of Goku ...