Hastings Cutoff - Wikipedia
The Hastings Cutoff was an alternative route for westward emigrants to travel to California, as proposed by Lansford Hastings in The Emigrant's Guide to Oregon and California. [2] The ill-fated Donner Party infamously took the route in 1846.
The Hastings Cutoff and Highway 80 Tragedy of the Donner Party
Jun 30, 2023 · In June of that year the wagon train had reached Fort Laramie, Wyoming. It is there that the Reed, Donner and other families decided to take the Hastings Cutoff. The Cutoff would shave 300 miles off their journey, rejoining the …
Visit to Hastings Cutoff 2020 - U.S. National Park Service
Jan 26, 2021 · Recently, fall of 2020, the Crossroads Chapter of Utah led a group along the Hastings Cutoff -- the route followed by the Donner-Reed Party--west of Salt Lake City. The white rock shows some red markings that are thought to be …
The Hastings Cutoff - History to Go
On July 20, both the mule-back Bryant-Russell party, named for Louisville newspaper editor Edwin Bryant and party captain William H. Russell, and the party of wagoners led by George W. Harlan and Samuel C. Young left on the Hastings Cutoff.
Hastings Cutoff - California Trail Interpretive Center
At the California Trail Interpretive Center, you can learn about the Hastings Cutoff – an infamous part of the California Trail and its history. Touted as a faster route to Calfornia’s golden fields, it was a perilous and challenging route, taking travelers miles out of their way.
Emigrant Trails West, Inc. − Hastings Cutoff
Still determined to carry on his plan, Hastings hurried eastward to the South Pass area to recruit westbound emigrant parties willing to try his untried “Cutoff.” In mid July, 1846, three wagon trains and the Bryant-Russell pack party showed up at Fort Bridger to take the new cutoff trail.
Hastings Cutoff – California – Nevada Chapter OCTA
The Hastings Cutoff was opened to travel by Lansford Hastings in 1846. It was promoted to save up to 400 miles in going to California. From Pilot Peak/Donner Springs, the Hastings Cutoff traveled into present day Nevada.
Mapping the Hasting Cutoff | California Trail Heritage Alliance
CTHA is mapping the Hastings Cutoff in Ruby Valley NV on both private and federal lands (with permits) to determine the location of the trail. Initial steps include a detailed review of maps, journals and diaries from the emigrant era, field reconnaissance of the area to be mapped, and identification of the most probable route based on the ...
The Hastings Cutoff: What Really Killed the Donner Party
Feb 8, 2019 · Were there pay-offs? Probably, although nothing has ever been proven. But we know one thing: Edwin Bryant, a smart and curious journalist, who traveled ahead of the Donners with others on mules left letters imploring his former Donner Party traveling buddies NOT to take the Hastings Cutoff.
U.S. Route 40 - Hastings Cutoff
Dec 23, 2010 · Route 40 roughly parallels Hastings' Cutoff between Salt Lake City, Utah and Silver Zone Pass in Nevada. View user comments below.