So, what exactly is the deal with Horace the Hushed?
It is rather unclear what Horace's motive is for being in that cave. (Which leaves a lot to the imagination of course) Horace, Anri, and other children were captured by Aldrich. Horace and …
Do i have to kill horace to find the assassin with chameleon
Jan 1, 2017 · If Anri is told of Horace's location and Horace is not killed: Horace kills Anri. After killing High Lord Wolnir reload the area and return to Horace in the Smouldering Lake. You will …
For all those who don't want to make the same mistakes I made
I haven't killed Horace but I still got to the ending. I beat Wolnir before talking to Anri in the catacombs. I actually got to the final quest area for him before i found him in the catacombs. …
Why did Horace turn hollow? : r/darksouls3 - Reddit
Sep 11, 2023 · Horace and all the other characters in DS3 are not chosen undeads, they're unkindled, undead who failed to link the first flame, our character was burned down to ashes …
Lord of Hollows ending and telling Anri about Horace
Jan 18, 2021 · I've been searching all over and I cannot find a solid answer on this. So, I've done everything right for the Lord of Hollows ending (got the dark sigils, Anri is in the right places, …
Why does Horace gets hostile and is it possible to save him?
Nov 14, 2022 · Horace goes hollow because he gets separated from Anri, who he intended to protect. Spoiler: Later in the game, assuming that Anri helps you defeat Aldrich, she (or he) …
Do I have to kill horace to get the usurpation of fire ending?
It does not actually matter what you do with Horace. You can kill him, leave him alive, or never even find him. The only important thing is that you do not tell Anri you saw Horace alive in …
Horace (spoilers) :: DARK SOULS™ III General Discussions
Apr 16, 2016 · A good enough friend to kill the person who threatens to take away the only person youve ever traveled with. he was also probably going insane due to the hollowing, so he might …
What's the deal with Anri and Horace? (Spoilers) : r/darksouls3
May 2, 2016 · Why is Horace hostile? Goes Hollow, and goes mad. Why is Anri hostile? You told her/him where Horace was. This results in her/him going there, finding Horace, killing him, and …
Some thoughts about Horace (spoilers) : r/darksouls3 - Reddit
Apr 27, 2016 · What happens if you don't talk to Anri/Horace in Road of sacrifice and instead go straight for the ballista, disable it, then go back and talk to him. Would that work? L.E.: from …