For the next three to six months, you should eliminate the most common bladder irritating foods and you’ll also need to do quite a bit of experimentation as you create your own, personalized food list. We’ve included two lists to help you on your journey.
Recommended Diet for Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Fruits Allowed: Bananas, coconuts, dates, blueberries, melons, and pears Avoid: All other fruits and juices (especially acidic and citrus fruits) Special note – Avoid cranberry juice. The acid is a strong bladder irritant. Vegetables Allowed: Most vegetables except those listed below
- [PDF]
The IC Diet
Sep 18, 2009 · Diet modification is the first line of defense for patients struggling with interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). Since sensitivity to various foods can vary among individuals, it is important to determine your personal trigger foods.
The IC-Smart Diet* Many people with interstitial cystitis (IC) find that changes in their diet can help to control IC symptoms and avoid IC flare-ups. Typically, avoiding foods known to be common bladder irritants, such as coffee or citrus products, is a good idea. This helpful guide can help you make “IC-Smart” meal choices. Keep it handy
What to Eat | Interstitial Cystitis Association
Oct 1, 2024 · A balanced diet with a wide variety of items from all food groups is the best diet for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS). It is also the best diet for everyone. The only the difference is that those with IC/BPS should limit some foods and beverages.
Interstitial Cystitis IC Diet: Recommended Diet :: MN Women's …
The Interstitial Cystitis (IC) Diet. A complete list of foods – with both bladder friendly foods and foods to avoid – is in the downloadable PDF. This list is supplied as a quick reference. IC Diet: Bladder Friendly Foods Beverages
Sep 18, 2009 · Diet modification is the first line of defense for patients struggling with interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). Since sensitivity to various foods can vary among individuals, it is important to determine your personal trigger foods.
the effect of diet on interstitial cystitis, or IC, is limited. But, many people with IC report that certain foods appear to irritate their bladder. And, they find that changing what they eat and drink can help control IC symptoms and flare-ups.
Jan 1, 2024 · Did your doctor give you an IC diet handout? Did they explain what to do with it? Before we dive into the specifics of the IC diet, let’s review how your urinary system works... How was the IC diet created? What does the research say?
- [PDF]
The IC-Smart Diet
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