Reviews For: Icom IC-202 - eHam.net
The IC-202 is one of Icom's most memorable radios ever produced. It entered the HAM scene around 1976, so quite a while back. It was the result of a great thinking-out-of-the-box effort, putting Icom on the map as the most innovative designer/manufacturer of Ham equipment.
Reviews For: Icom IC-202S - eHam.net
The Icom IC-202S was the updated c.1980 version of the venerable (1976 or so) IC-202 2m SSB/CW "bookshelf" portable. The main difference between the IC-202S and the IC-202 was the addition of LSB capability for satellite work and the fact that the antenna was removable.
Reviews For: Icom IC-502 - eHam.net
The IC-502 was a simple rig with an analog VFO. The rig has a very hot receiver and a really quiet front end. The IC-502 has just a few controls: a large main tuning knob, an RIT control, a power/light switch, a volume control, a noise blanker switch, and a CW-T/receive switch.
Transceivers: VHF/UHF+ Amateur Base/Mobile (non hand-held)
Icom IC-202: 9: 2021-11-30 (4.9) Icom IC-202S: 7: 2013-05-21: GBP169 (4.9) ICOM IC-207H: 113: 2019-01-16: 299.95 (3.9) Icom IC-208H: 138: 2023-10-05: 319.95 (4.4) ICOM IC-2100H: 196: 2022-08-14: 140 (4.5) ... ICOM IC 28H (4.7) Icom IC-290A/H: 14: 2025-01-12 (4.1) Icom IC-3200A: 16: 2020-10-25: $120 (3.9) Icom IC-3210A: 4: 2013-10-15 (4.8) Icom ...
Reviews For: Icom IC-201 - eHam.net
The IC-201 was an analog rig, similar to the Kenwood TS-700A or Yaesu FT-221, but a little bit smaller. Like those rigs the IC-201 had a very decent receiver, though the audio seemed to be lacking presence and favored the high end. Transmit power was 10W, and I got good audio reports consistently.
Reviews For: Icom IC-3PE - eHam.net
The IC-3PE is a power supply Icom marketed back in the very late '70s and early '80s to match their then current 10W VHF/UHF mobile rigs. Rigs that fit on top included the IC-280, IC-245, IC-24E, IC-22U, IC-22S, IC-22A, IC-22, IC-20, IC-230, IC-220, IC-30A, IC-30, IC-320, and IC-60.
Reviews For: Mizuho SB-2M - eHam.net
The rig, like an Icom IC-202, is VXO controlled, with each crystal providing just 50Hz of coverage, compared to 200kHz on the later SB-2X. 144.100-144.300 rocks for the four slots were provided stock from the factory.
Reviews For: ICOM IC-821H - eHam.net
After having good experiences with the IC-202, I had expected a better hardware-quality. The ribbon-cable-contact-problems and the sticky knobs are a shame for a 2000 €/$- rig. The receiver is o.k. on 2m. On 70cm the receiving noise increases when the antenna (or 50 Ohm load) is disconnected, which indicates wild oscillations in the frontend.
Reviews For: ICOM Q7A - eHam.net
got the IC-Q7A to replace a sick and aging HTX-202...man, what a difference 5 years make! True, the IC-Q7A doesn't put out near as much pwr as the HTX-202, but what it lacks in xmt pwr, it makes up in sheer versatility: dual bands, wide band receive, plenty of memory, decent sound output, fairly easy to program...about the only thing I don't ...
Reviews For: Icom IC-502A - eHam.net
The Icom IC-502A was an updated version of the original IC-502, part of Icom's "bookshelf portable" series. The original Icom IC-502 was introduced in 1975 and was immensely popular. It did suffer from two major flaws: a tendency to drift quite a lot and very coarse tuning requiring the fingers of a safecracker to tune in the desired signal.