Parasomnias: 6 Strange, Sometimes Creepy Sleep Phenomena
Jan 28, 2021 · " Parasomnias " is a term that covers a range of sleep disorders and disturbances, from common occurrences like sleepwalking to the truly bizarre, like "exploding head syndrome." If you experience...
33 Terrifying Hallucination Stories From People Suffering …
Jan 16, 2024 · I used to have episodes of insomnia as a teenager. Once, while walking home from school, I saw a car driving in my direction. It suddenly veered onto the sidewalk, continued toward me, and swerved back onto the road moments before hitting me.
Russian Sleep Experiment - Wikipedia
The Russian Sleep Experiment is a creepypasta which tells the tale of 5 Soviet-era test subjects being exposed to an experimental sleep -inhibiting stimulant, and has become the basis of an urban legend. [1] .
How Dangerous Is Insomnia? How Fear of What It’s Doing
Oct 19, 2023 · What is not helpful is unnecessary fear triggered by reports suggesting serious physical health dangers of insomnia. This fear is only likely to increase insomnia rather than mitigate it.
5 Spooky Sleep Disorders - Integrated Neurology Services
Nightmares are probably one of the most common sleep experiences we’ve all had but once they become excessively terrifying and disruptive to a person’s rest it becomes a parasomnia. A more severe version, called night terrors, often includes screaming or …
How dangerous is insomnia? How fear of what it’s doing to your …
Oct 18, 2023 · Many studies showing an impact of insomnia on the body are flawed or not meaningful in everyday life. But they can lead to scary headlines.
What to Know About Sleep Paralysis & Demons - Cleveland …
Jan 14, 2021 · These instances – sleep paralysis and sleep hallucinations (also referred to as “sleep demons”) – can be incredibly scary things to experience. And, yet, aside from the fright, they’re harmless. They’re simply the results of disrupted sleep. Still, that doesn’t help quell the fear when they happen.
20 Scary Sleep Disorders That’ll Totally Freak You Out
May 30, 2018 · From sleepwalking and sleep violence to life-threatening Sudden Unexplained Death Syndrome, we’ve compiled a list of 20 scary sleep disorders that are sure to freak you out. Some are freakishly common, while others are surprisingly rare.
Insomnia - Creepypasta Wiki | Fandom
Ever have that feeling that you're stuck in one place? You wanna move, but you can't? That's what I'm feeling now. Two hundred and thirty four. The T.V. is on, and I'm lying in front of it. Watching static. My room's white walls are illuminated. It's beautiful with this light, really. Past two days I've been drifting in and out of sleep.
Top 11 Spooky Sleep Disorders - Live Science
Feb 22, 2016 · From a syndrome that keeps a person drowsy all day and night to one that may keep you screaming through your snoozes, inside you'll find some of the spookiest syndromes of the night. This sleep...