Io: A Volcanic Puzzle – NASA Solar System Exploration
Nov 9, 1995 · How did Io's volcanoes evolve and what is there chemical composition? How frequently do they erupt? Is Io's crust thick or thin (still sounds like a pizza!), and what does that imply for all the volcanic activity.
10 Need-to-Know Things About Io - NASA Solar System Exploration
The moon Io is the most volcanically active world in the solar system. Io even has lakes of molten silicate lava on its surface.
Cassini Spots Potential Ice Volcano on Saturn Moon
Dec 13, 2010 · NASA's Cassini spacecraft has found possible ice volcanoes on Saturn's moon Titan that are similar in shape to those on Earth that spew molten rock.
Io Observer - NASA Solar System Exploration
The Jovian moon Io is likely the most geologically active body in the solar system, offering insight into tidal heating, volcanic processes, and other phenomena. However, its location within Jupiter''s radiation belt presents significant engineering challenges that …
Volcanoes and Auroras Glow in Eclipse Movie of Jupiter's Moon Io
Feb 4, 2001 · The first movie ever made of Jupiter's moon Io while it is in eclipse shows bright spots of hot lava and changes in auroral glows. These images from NASA's Cassini spacecraft provide evidence that the auroras originate in electrical currents that connect Io and Jupiter along magnetic-field lines.
NASA Juno Data Indicate Another Possible Volcano on Jupiter …
Jul 13, 2018 · Data collected by NASA’s Juno spacecraft using its Jovian InfraRed Auroral Mapper (JIRAM) instrument point to a new heat source close to the south pole of Io that could indicate a previously undiscovered volcano on the small moon of Jupiter.
Cassini Finds an Atmosphere on Saturn's Moon Enceladus
Mar 15, 2005 · The Cassini spacecraft's two close flybys of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus have revealed that the moon has a significant atmosphere. Scientists, using Cassini's magnetometer instrument for their studies, say the source may be volcanism, geysers, or gases escaping from the surface or the interior.
Cassini Finds an Active, Watery World at Saturn's Enceladus
Jul 28, 2005 · Saturn's tiny icy moon Enceladus, which ought to be cold and dead, instead displays evidence for active ice volcanism. NASA's Cassini spacecraft has found a huge cloud of water vapor over the moon's south pole, and warm fractures where evaporating ice probably supplies the vapor cloud.
Callisto - NASA Solar System Exploration
Dec 3, 2021 · The first thing that fired my imagination for planetary science was when the NASA Voyager spacecraft discovered active volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io. -
Jupiter's Magnetosphere – NASA Solar System Exploration
Jan 28, 2001 · from material spewed out by volcanoes on Io, one of Jupiter's large moons. Some of the fast-moving ions within the magnetosphere pick up electrons to become neutral atoms, and once they become neutral, they can escape Jupiter's magnetic field, flying out from the magnetosphere at speeds of thousands of kilometers, or miles, per second.