jakarta ee - What is Java EE? - Stack Overflow
Java EE is a collection of specifications for developing and deploying enterprise applications. In general, enterprise applications refer to software hosted on servers that provide the applications that support the enterprise.
A summary of all Java EE specifications - Stack Overflow
May 7, 2016 · Java EE applications use the JavaMail API to send email notifications. The JavaMail API has two parts: An application-level interface used by the application components to send mail. A service provider interface. The Java EE platform includes the JavaMail API with a service provider that allows application components to send Internet mail.
JDK = Java SE && JDK != Java EE? - Stack Overflow
May 8, 2011 · Most usually a Java EE application will run in an application or web container. Note (also) that until very recently, Java SE was known as J2SE, and Java EE was known as J2EE. The situation is confused further by the fact that many people (especially recruiters) confuse J2EE with EJBs (which are only one of the technologies in Java EE).
What's the main difference between Java SE and Java EE?
Jun 10, 2016 · Java EE is a set of specifications and the respective implementations are all built using Java SE base packages which happen to already contain everything required for any application. For example, for a web application, here is a …
jakarta ee - Difference between Java SE/EE/ME? - Stack Overflow
May 18, 2010 · Java EE is built on top of Java SE, and it is used for developing web applications and large-scale enterprise applications. Java ME is a subset of the Java SE. It provides an API and a small-footprint virtual machine for running Java applications on small devices.
How to use Java EE IntelliJ IDEA community edition
I only have the community edition of IntelliJ IDEA so it doesn't have the full support, but all I want it to do is compile and recognize Java EE classes. So far, I've gotten it to work by copying all of the JAR files in glassfish->modules into my project folder and then setting my module dependencies on that folder.
What is the difference between Java EE and J2EE?
Sep 4, 2016 · Java EE (Enterprise edition): Formerly known as J2EE . It includes Java Standard Edition plus most of the other Java technologies including JavaMail, Activation, JAXB (Java API for XML Binding), Servlets, JSF (Java Server Faces), JMS (Java Messaging Service), EJB (Enterprise Java Beans), and others
jakarta ee - Just what is Java EE really? - Stack Overflow
Apr 3, 2013 · Java EE seems to be both a library and a platform - there are multiple ways to "get" the Java EE library, typically from something like Oracle's Java EE SDK download. However, the Java EE library will not work, nor compile unless if your code is being run on or has access to a Java EE application server (such as JBoss, GlassFish, Tomcat, etc).
Difference between Java EE and Spring framework [closed]
Dec 20, 2010 · Java EE is an standard, official, specification for a full featured Enterprise Application Framework stack. Includes stuff like Object-Relational Mapping, Security, Web Applications, database connectivity, transaction
Why do large companies prefer Spring over Java EE?
Apr 23, 2014 · With pure Java EE, developers are at the mercy of an operations group that has very different goals than they have. In many cases operations wants to avoid messing with anything that works, every upgrade is a chance for things to go wrong, and it's not like they're the ones who see the benefits from upgrades, so that makes their choices very ...