jakarta ee - What is Java EE? - Stack Overflow
Java EE is a collection of specifications for developing and deploying enterprise applications. In general, enterprise applications refer to software hosted on servers that provide the …
A summary of all Java EE specifications - Stack Overflow
May 7, 2016 · Java EE applications use the JavaMail API to send email notifications. The JavaMail API has two parts: An application-level interface used by the application components …
JDK = Java SE && JDK != Java EE? - Stack Overflow
May 8, 2011 · Most usually a Java EE application will run in an application or web container. Note (also) that until very recently, Java SE was known as J2SE, and Java EE was known as J2EE. …
What's the main difference between Java SE and Java EE?
Jun 10, 2016 · Java EE is a set of specifications and the respective implementations are all built using Java SE base packages which happen to already contain everything required for any …
jakarta ee - Difference between Java SE/EE/ME? - Stack Overflow
May 18, 2010 · Java EE is built on top of Java SE, and it is used for developing web applications and large-scale enterprise applications. Java ME is a subset of the Java SE. It provides an API …
How to use Java EE IntelliJ IDEA community edition
I only have the community edition of IntelliJ IDEA so it doesn't have the full support, but all I want it to do is compile and recognize Java EE classes. So far, I've gotten it to work by copying all …
What is the difference between Java EE and J2EE?
Sep 4, 2016 · Java EE (Enterprise edition): Formerly known as J2EE . It includes Java Standard Edition plus most of the other Java technologies including JavaMail, Activation, JAXB (Java …
jakarta ee - Just what is Java EE really? - Stack Overflow
Apr 3, 2013 · Java EE seems to be both a library and a platform - there are multiple ways to "get" the Java EE library, typically from something like Oracle's Java EE SDK download. However, …
Difference between Java EE and Spring framework [closed]
Dec 20, 2010 · Java EE is an standard, official, specification for a full featured Enterprise Application Framework stack. Includes stuff like Object-Relational Mapping, Security, Web …
Why do large companies prefer Spring over Java EE?
Apr 23, 2014 · With pure Java EE, developers are at the mercy of an operations group that has very different goals than they have. In many cases operations wants to avoid messing with …