How to Grow and Care for Kohleria - World of Flowering Plants
Kohleria plants originated in Mexico and South America. They produce tubular and often speckled flowers in various colors, and their foliage can also be decorative. Although hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, they are easily damaged by excess water, so they are usually grown as houseplants.
Kohleria - Wikipedia
Kohleria is a New World genus of the flowering plant family Gesneriaceae. The plants are generally tropical herbs or subshrubs with velvety stems and foliage and brightly colored flowers with spots or markings in contrasting colors.
Kohleria Plant Care: How to Grow Indoors and Get the Most Blooms
Kohleria care, profile and picture of this beautiful house plant. Find out how to get the most blooms. How and when to water, fertilize and overwinter.
6 Reasons Why You'll Love Kohleria as a Houseplant (& Care Guide)
Feb 7, 2023 · Kohleria is a low-maintenance tropical houseplant that blooms for months. Here's a simple kohleria care guide to keep it happy.
Kohleria - Pacific Bulb Society
Aug 30, 2016 · Kohleria is a genus of about 33 species, along with a number of natural hybrids in the family Gesneriaceae. The genus is distributed from central Mexico into northern South America, but typically not into the Amazon.
Kohleria - The Violet Barn - African Violets and More
Visit our "plant care" pages to learn more about growing, grooming, and propagating kohleria. Photos shown are representative of plants when grown to maturity. We cannot ship them this size!
Kohleria (and rhizomatous plants): propagation, repotting, …
4 days ago · Seen at left is a large, overgrown kohleria in a 4″ pot. This one was grown on a crowded windowsill leaning up against the window. We could “stake” it, but it’s already taller than we would like. Instead, we’ll start over, making a “new” plant with cuttings from this one.
Kohlerias - Everblooming Houseplants
Slender elegant kohleria, bright red and white flowers, dark leaved with purple undersides
How to Grow Tree Gloxinia — Kohleria - Harvest to Table
Kohleria, also called tree gloxinia, is a topical flowering plant with attractive velvety foliage. Tubular or bell-shaped red flowers appear mostly from summer through fall. With the proper conditions, Kohleria can bloom year-round.
Kohleria warszewiczii - World of Flowering Plants
Genus: Kohleria. Flower. Color: Purple Bloom Time: Summer to autumn. Description. Kohleria warszewiczii is a perennial plant with an upright to spreading habit. It grows up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall. The flowers are nodding, rich purple, and with furry trumpets.