Mistral-class landing helicopter dock - Wikipedia
The Mistral class is a class of five landing helicopter docks built by France.
French ship Mistral (L9013) - Wikipedia
Mistral (L9013) is an amphibious assault ship, a type of helicopter carrier, of the French Navy. She is the fourth vessel to bear the name, and is the lead ship of the Mistral-class amphibious assault ships.
Classe Mistral — Wikipédia
La classe Mistral est l'ensemble des navires de la marine française de type porte-hélicoptères amphibie (PHA) 1 — ou, jusqu'en janvier 2019, bâtiment de projection et de commandement (BPC). Son appellation OTAN est Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD).
French Mission Jeanne D’Arc 2025 Begins Atlantic and Arctic …
Feb 26, 2025 · French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD “Mistral” and La Fayette-class frigate “Surcouf” set sails for the North Atlantic and will transit via the Arctic as part of the “JEANNE D’ARC 2025” mission.
FS Mistral L-9013 Amphibious Asault Landing Ship French Navy
Jul 10, 2003 · In January 2013, escorted by Chevalier Paul, Mistral took part in the ill-fated operation to retrieve Denis Allex, a DGSE officer held hostage in Bulo Marer. The Mistral ... is a strong, cold, northwesterly wind that blows from southern France into the Gulf of Lion in the northern Mediterranean.
Mistral class Amphibious Assault Command Ship French Navy
Mistral-class ships can accommodate up to 450 soldiers, although this can be doubled for short-term deployments. The 2,650-square-metre (28,500 sq ft) vehicle hangar can carry a 40-strong Leclerc tank battalion, or a 13-strong Leclerc tank company and 46 other vehicles.
France Deploys One LHD, Two Frigates to the Eastern Mediterranean
Oct 26, 2023 · The French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD Tonnerre departed its home port of Toulon yesterday. The vessel is now en route to the Eastern Mediterranean, an area where naval vessel presence is getting increasingly busy…
Mistral Class – Amphibious Assault Ships - Naval Technology
Feb 2, 2017 · Mistral is the French Navy's first all-electric warship and is fitted with two Alstom 7MW electric azimuth pods. Mistral and Tonnerre carry sufficient stores for the crew and 450 troops for 45 days between replenishments. Mistral has the capacity to accommodate a Combined (multinational) Joint (multiservice) Task Force (CJTF).
Mistral class - Army Recognition
Designed by DCNS, Mistral BPC (Bâtiment de Projection et de Commandment) LHD is a multi-mission 21,500t amphibious assault, command and power projection ship. Mistral-class vessels are capable to accommodate and deploy 16 transport or attack helicopters, four landing crafts, up to 70 vehicles or 13 main battle tanks.
FS Mistral (L9013) Amphibious Assault Ship / Helicopter Carrier
Nov 11, 2023 · The FS Mistral is one of the primary amphibious assault ships of the French Navy (also categorized as a "Command and Projection Ship"). Since her inception in 2005, the vessel has already gone on to prove her worth in several actions - particularly in relief operations.
Landing Helicopter Dock - Wikipedia
La Mistral (L9013). Le LHD europee, a differenza di quelle statunitensi, hanno dimensioni più ridotte e in particolare un minor dislocamento; in genere presentano comunque il bacino allagabile per utilizzare diversi tipi di mezzi da sbarco, operano principalmente con elicotteri e, quando dotate di sky jump, eventualmente anche con aerei STOVL.
Continued NATO membership may require buying Mistral LHDs
Oct 9, 2022 · Why the Mistral-class LHD is the best choice for both military and humanitarian roles. Cost: Built in a cruise ship yard for 600M euros (2003-2006) using commercial ship building standards including: (1) automation allows it to be run by 20 officers, 80 petty officers and 60 sailors; and (2) all-electric propulsion increases fuel efficiency and ...
Category : Mistral class LHD - Wikimedia
Aug 15, 2024 · English: The Mistral class is a class of helicopter assault ship of the French Navy, capable of deploying 16 NH90 or Eurocopter Tigre helicopters
Mistral - Nouveaux Transports de Chalands de Débarquement …
The Mistral combines payload capacity and versatility. It can carry up to 16 heavy helicopters and one-third of a mechanized regiment, plus two LCAC hovercraft or four LCM landing craft.
Mistral-class Archives - Naval News
May 25, 2020 · The French Navy (Marine Nationale) Mistral-class LHD Dixmude set sails for the French Antilles in the Caribbean this morning. The vessel will be providing assistance to the French territories affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, as part of Operation Résilience.
Mistral LHD - Naval Group India
Mistral LHD. Length: 199 m. Displacement: 22000 tons. Indian Navy under Make in India issued RFP to 3 Indian shipyards to procure 4 LPDs (2 at winning shipyard and 2 on nomination to HSL). Primary mission for these ships are amphibious landing operations. They also provide command and force projection capability.
French Sending Amphibious Warships to Caribbean, Indian Ocean …
Mar 27, 2020 · French President Emmanuel Macron announced Wednesday that French Navy Mistral-class LHDs Mistral (L9013) and Dixmude (L9015) will be deployed to Reunion Island and the Caribbean in support of the ...
Mistral - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Mistral-class ships will perform command, amphibious assault, logistic support, humanitarian evacuation, hospital ship (63 beds) and naval warfare missions. It will feature an advanced electric propulsion system with two 10,000 shp propulsors.
Eugenio´s Warships - L-9013 Mistral
Oct 6, 2004 · Missiles: SAM: 2 x Simbad systems ( Mistral missiles ). Military lift: 4 x LCM´s or 2 x LCAC. The vehicle hangar has 2.650m 2 of parking space (two decks), it is enabled to carry Leclerc heavy tanks. The helicopter hangar totals 1.800m 2 space.
MISTRAL (L-9013) class — Amphibious - Military Periscope
MISTRAL (L-9013) class. Country of Origin: France. Table of contents. ship list. description. ship list. 3 (+1) MISTRAL-class AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULT SHIPS (general purpose) (LHD) Name Pendant Launched Commissioned Status MISTRAL L-9013 Oct. 6, 2004 Dec. 15, 2006 Active TONNERRE L-9014 July 26, 2005 Aug. 1, 2007 Active DIXMUDE L-9015 2010 July 27 ...