M119 howitzer - Wikipedia
The M119 is typically towed by the M1097 or M1152 High Mobility Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), and can be easily airlifted by helicopter, or airdropped by parachute. The howitzer was designed and produced by the British Royal Ordnance Factories as the L118 light gun.
M119A1/A2 105mm Towed Howitzer, United States of America - Army Technology
Mar 13, 2020 · The M119 can be easily moved and rapidly deployed in the field to deliver optimum firepower with less combat weight. The M119A1/A2 howitzer has a lower silhouette and can fire without a recoil pit. It is primarily towed by the …
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The howitzer, light, towed, 105-mm, M119, referred to in this manual as M119, figure 2-1, is used as a light, indirect fire support weapon for a light infantry division. The prime mover for the M119 is the M1069 or modified M1037 HMMWV. The M119 can be transported in either the firing configuration (gun
Towed Howitzer (105mm) M119A1/A2 - MilitarySpot.com
The M119A1/A2 105mm towed howitzer is a lightweight towed weapon that provides direct support fires to light, airborne and air assault forces. The prime mover for the M119 is the HMMWV.
M119A1 105mm Lightweight Towed Howitzer - Federation of …
The M119A1 is a light weight air mobile air droppable (by parachute) or Towed Howitzer with an average crew of seven soldiers. It provides direct and indirect fire support to highly mobile light infantry divisions and separate brigades.
M119A1 (Towed Howitzer) - Army Guide
In US Army service the M119A1 is normally towed by the AM General M1097 (4 × 4) Heavy HMMWV and can be quickly moved and employed to provide maximum fire power with minimum of combat loaded weight.
RIA Self-Guided Tour: L119 105 MM Light Gun | Article | The …
Apr 26, 2019 · The system was revised by Rock Island Arsenal as the M119 lightweight towed howitzer in 1986. It was adopted to replace the M101 105mm light towed howitzer.
Rock Island Arsenal M119 Towed 105mm Medium Howitzer - Military Factory
May 21, 2018 · Available supported armament, ammunition, and special-mission equipment featured in the design of the Rock Island Arsenal M119 Towed 105mm Medium Howitzer. Dependent on ammunition carrier. Types include HE, illumination and smoke and may be rocket-assisted. Nightvision - NONE.
M119A1 105mm Lightweight Towed Howitzer - GlobalSecurity.org
Jul 7, 2011 · The M119A1 is a light weight air mobile air droppable (by parachute) or Towed Howitzer with an average crew of seven soldiers. It provides direct and indirect fire support to highly mobile...
M119 105mm Towed Howitzer - Military Power
Starting in 1989, the M119 began replacing the remaining M101A1s and M102 howitzers being used in direct-support artillery battalions in the Light Infantry, Airborne and Air-Mobile Divisions of the US Army. Specifications. Lightweight, at just 4,100 pounds, the M119 makes extensive use of high-strength aluminium alloys.
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