Abilisks - Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Abilisks are multi-dimensional beings that feed on batteries. "There's a cut on its neck! Rocket, get it to look up!" "All right, you giant sea monkey, up here!" An Abilisk appeared on the planet …
Abilisks | Marvel Database | Fandom
Apr 25, 2017 · The Guardians of the Galaxy were hired by the Sovereign to kill an abilisk that was going to destroy the Sovereign's anulax batteries. The Guardians fought the abilisk on the …
Ayesha | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
Ayesha was the Golden High Priestess of the Sovereign, a race created by the High Evolutionary. She hired the Guardians of the Galaxy to protect Anulax Batteries from an Abilisk, but after …
MCU: The 10 Most Dangerous Creatures In The Galaxy - Screen Rant
Jan 25, 2021 · The Abilisk was a multidimensional being that the Guardians battled at the beginning of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 to prevent it from consuming their planet's power …
Abilisk | Marvel Cinematic Database | Fandom
The Abilisk was a multi-dimensional being who was devouring the power sources of the Sovereign planet. The Sovereign hired the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight it. The Abilisk appeared on …
Battle on Sovereign | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom
The Battle on Sovereign was a mission employed by the Sovereign people, who hired the Guardians of the Galaxy to stop an Abilisk from terrorizing their planet. The Guardians of the …
Abilisks | Marvel Movies | Fandom
Abilisks are inter-dimensional beings who feed off of energy including the Sovereign 's Anulax Batteries. Abilisks are huge pink creatures with tendrils and huge mouths full of rows of teeth. …
15 Facts Even Die-Hard Fans Didn’t Know About The MCU - Screen Rant
Aug 24, 2017 · The Abilisk has sharp teeth, enormous bulging eyes on the side of its head, and a Kraken-like body. Although many people passed off this creature as just a typical dangerous …
Abilisk (Marvel Cinematic Universe) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
The Abilisk is a interdimensional tentacled monster who was devouring the power sources of the Sovereign planet. The Guardians of the Galaxy were hired by the Sovereign people to …
Gigantic Beasts of the MCU – History Of The MCU
Dec 2, 2018 · The Abilisk is an original MCU creation but the Guardians of the Galaxy’s first mission in the comics was to prevent an inter-dimensional beast from breaching the universe …