Maverick - Rainbow Six Wiki
Erik "Maverick" Thorn is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. He was introduced in the Operation Grim Sky expansion alongside Clash. [2] "The devil's in the details... That's where you'll find me." Bostonian Erik Thorn came from a multilingual home and ranked in the top 2% in intelligence.
Maverick | Operators | Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Ubisoft
Maverick is an Attacker who uses a blowtorch that can breach any surface, including reinforced walls and hatches. He is one of the two operators to join Team Rainbow during Operation Grim Sky.
Maverick - R6S.skin
Rainbow Six Siege skin database.
Maverick - R6 Operator Guide - Rainbow Six Siege Center
A detailed guide to Maverick - R6 Siege operator. You will find here the information on Maverick playstyle, utility, loadout, and popular video guides!
Maverick - Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Guide - IGN
Maverick is an attacking operator with Delta Force, aka The Unit. He was released on September 4, 2018 as part of Y3S3: Operation Grim Sky. This guide covers
[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Maverick Loadouts That Are …
Apr 10, 2024 · Maverick is a hard breach operator and he performs that role through his special gadget, the Breaching Torch. It’s basically a high-powered blow torch that can melt portions of unreinforced walls, and when done enough, it can be used …
Maverick - Liquipedia Rainbow Six Wiki
Erik "Maverick" Thorn is an attacking operator featured in the Operation Grim Sky expansion for Rainbow Six Siege.
Rainbow Six Siege Maverick Guide: Loadout, Gadget, Tips, and more
Apr 30, 2022 · Maverick is one of the most versatile and creative hard breachers in the game. The breaching torch is very useful when Thatcher is banned and a wall-denying operator is present on the defending side. However, Maverick’s potential can be fully maximised in the hands of an experienced player.
Is maverick actually good? : r/Rainbow6 - Reddit
Jun 7, 2023 · IMO, Maverick plays closer to a thatcher/Kali/Twitch role. He can both clear defender utility to allow actual hard breachers to open walls, as well as open walls outright when operators are successfully bandit or kaid tricking walls.
How to Play Maverick! Operator Guide 2024! - Rainbow Six Siege
Today we are talking all about how to play as Maverick in Rainbow Six Siege! Talking all about his kit, best way to play as Mav, how to use his breaching tor...