Mayan-EDMS | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Mayan EDMS is a Free Open Source Electronic Document Management System, coded in the Python language using the Django web application framework and released under the Apache 2.0 License. It provides an electronic vault or repository for electronic documents.
TKL Mayan EDMS v17.1 - Backup & Restore | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Jan 21, 2023 · My Mayan EDMS instance is used for my personal family documents. We scan any paper docs we get and hold them for a year then shred them unless we want a hard backup. I also have a test instance I use for testing new updates or things I want to test out before I make the changes in production.
TKL Mayan EDMS v17.1 - Upgrade v4.2.7 to v4.4.4 | TurnKey …
Jan 20, 2023 · Edit: Updated to 4.4.4 - Also note support from the developer. Edit: This only works with v17.1. If you have an older version (v16) check out these posts: TKL Mayan EDMS v16.1 - Upgrade v3.5.5 to 4.0.23 and Migration of TKL Mayan EDMS v16.1 to 17.1 Please note that the developer of Mayan NO LONGER SUPPORTS A MANUAL INSTALL.
mayan-edms AD integration | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Dec 13, 2017 · Unfortunately, I don't know much about Mayan-EDMS and even less about LDAP, so I'm not sure how useful I'll be here...
Updates | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Install latest (Python3) Mayan-EDMS from upstream (via pip) - v3.5.5; Improve Mayan logging config - (hopefully) closes #1523. [ Stefan Davis ] Note: Please refer to turnkey-core's 16.1 changelog for changes common to all appliances. Here we only describe changes specific to this appliance. Links. Release meta-files (signature, manifest)
Migration of TKL Mayan EDMS v16.1 to 17.1 | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Jan 3, 2023 · Do you have an aging TKL Mayan EDMS server running v16.1 (v3.5.5) and want to upgrade to v17.1 (v4.2.7)? If so this is the post for you! Read on to find out how you can migrate to the new version. This guide will help you move your Turnkey Mayan EDMS v16.1 to a new Turnkey Mayan EDMS v17.1 install.
How to upgrade mayan edms to 2.7.3 | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Oct 18, 2017 · The upgrade process may be somewhat similar, but should be a bit easier (hopefully). FWIW, the v15.0 release was significantly refactored to follow the upstream documentation as closely as possible (to make upgrades easier - hopefully).
Mayan EDMS logs, Where are they? | TurnKey GNU/Linux
Oct 16, 2020 · Great, would you please double check the issue URL , because it is linking to my comment :D
TKL Mayan EDMS v16.1 - Upgrade v3.5.5 to 4.0.23 | TurnKey …
Aug 22, 2021 · This has been fixed. Also updated version on the 4.0.xx line, and updated the post subject to reflect. I will be doing another post for v17.1 in a few weeks time. I recently needed to upgrade my Mayan EDMS. Was running TKL Mayan EDMS v16.1 (Mayan EDMS v3.5.5) I …
Mayan EDMS - Setup | TurnKey GNU/Linux
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