Crafting Molten Glass : r/ironscape - Reddit
Feb 9, 2023 · SGM gives you like 1.4-1.6 glass per bucket of sand on average, depending if you do 2:12 or 3:18 (giant seaweed : bucket of sand). Extra glass goes to the floor when you inventory fills up, so 3:18 is the typical approach and you easily make 12k+ glass per hour
What should I make with molten glass? : r/ironscape - Reddit
Dec 13, 2022 · A unpowered orb is 52.5 xp. A lantern lens is 55 xp. A light orb is 70 xp. Personally I would only make the two orbs. If you think that crafting might feel bad to miss out on 2.5 xp per glass, imagine missing out on nearly 20 xp per glass if you ever feel the need to craft more unpowered after you have level 87 crafting.
Molten glass per hour with mobile osrs : r/ironscape - Reddit
Nov 2, 2018 · Then triple click the molten glass to deposit them all. Follow it with a double click on sand (12) while still having 4 giant seaweed. Same process. And then one last time with 2 giant seaweed left. The X quantity at 6 was the fastest method I could figure out. Let me know how 8700 glass per hour compares to before mobile.
I discovered a faster way to train crafting than most guides
Aug 2, 2020 · For many players and especially Ironmen training midlevel crafting, it's always recommended to go to Port Khazard and buy buckets of sand and soda ash, deposit them into the pillar nearby, world hop until satisfied, then go to edgeville to smelt molten glass and start glassblowing. Port Phasmatys offers a much quicker solution:
Molten Glass Per Hour at Furnace : r/2007scape - Reddit
Dec 29, 2021 · OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. Members Online LEGO Giant Mole made with stud.io and built IRL -- with files and instructions
Superglass Make - 760k gp/hr, 180k crafting xp/hr : r/2007scape
Dec 24, 2020 · This makes 26.1k molten glass per hour. With current prices, you'd spend 2,111gp per cast and make 2,871gp. This means you'd profit 760k gp/hr. DO NOT PICK UP THE MOLTEN GLASS OFF THE GROUND. I know it hurts to watch it despawn, but you will lose gp AND xp picking it up.
The proper way to superglass make? : r/ironscape - Reddit
So i gathered 28k sand which made for 45k molten glass using the 3:18 method because i absolutely hate sand gathering and love to do less of it. I even made a gif of it to display it's repetitiveness. 28 * 1.6 = 44.8k which is roughly the amount i have. Lantern lenses give 55xp each and glass making gives 10xp per sand used so that's
When You Go For 99 Craft w/ Molten Glass : r/2007scape - Reddit
Jan 20, 2017 · With molten glass at 169 gpe and unpowered orbs at 32gpe you would be spending a total of 7,207,296gp at current ge pricing. Estimating at 85k xp/h that would take 32.4 hours to complete --- 87 Crafting is 3,597,792XP, so you need 9,062,137xp to reach 99.
Superglass make : r/ironscape - Reddit
Apr 26, 2022 · The time differences came from mining (picking up is faster, since you need less sand), casting the superglass make spell (picking up is a bit slower, since you need to stop and pick up, but you cast the spell fewer times), and the actual glass blowing (picking up is slightly slower, since you need to blow more glass to make up the extra ...
What is the xp/hr on molten glass? : r/2007scape - Reddit
not including running/banking 1800 molten glass/hour is max so maybe 1200-1400 which is like 24k-28kxp/h, i heard shades of mortan temple is good for ironmen but not sure. remember even assuming 30kxp/h that's just making not gathering the sand and soda but the glass would be good in future for orbs and battle-staves