Kneeling Female Figure · Brooklyn Museum
Kneeling female figures, often nude, are common in Yoruba religious art. In this pose, the figure represents a supplicant before the orisha, or deity, on whose altar it is placed. The image beautifies the altar and thereby honors orisha.
Nico Williams: Aaniin, I See Your Light · Brooklyn Museum
Nico Williams: Aaniin, I See Your Light is organized by Dare Turner, Curator of Indigenous Art, with Grace Billingslea, Curatorial Assistant, Arts of the Americas and Europe, Brooklyn Museum.
Brooklyn Museum: Double Take: African Innovations
Oct 29, 2014 · Celebrating Africa’s continual dynamism and long tradition of artistic creativity, Double Take: African Innovations opens the doors to our storied African collection with a new, experimental installation that invites surprising and unexpected ways of looking at African art. It suggests universal themes that link seemingly dissimilar works ...
Give Me a Minute with Nico Williams · Brooklyn Museum
Among the oldest, largest, and boldest art museums in the United States, the Brooklyn Museum holds an encyclopedic collection of over 500,000 objects representing more than 5,500 years of creativity from cultures around the globe.
African Innovations - Brooklyn Museum
Aug 12, 2011 · The installation stretches over some 2,500 years, from masterworks of ancient Nubia and Nok to contemporary pieces from the twenty-first century. Art from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which comprises the majority of the collection, is considered according to five themes: protection, transitions, authority, masquerade, and ...
Senenmut - Brooklyn Museum
Extraordinary indeed! The subject, Senenmut rose from obscurity to a position of tremendous power during the reign of Hatshepsut. He is shown here in a statue that perfectly illustrates the realationship between art and language in ancient Egypt.
Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power
Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power shines light on a broad spectrum of Black artistic practice from 1963 to 1983, one of the most politically, socially, and aesthetically revolutionary periods in American history. Black artists across the country worked in communities, in collectives, and individually to create a range of art ...
Intimacy-Autonomy - Brooklyn Museum
In "Intimacy-Autonomy," Joan Semmel is considering the female nude in art history. Many nude depictions of women throughout art history were made by men. In this painting, Semmel is reclaiming the nude by painting herself and her partner in bed.
European Art - Brooklyn Museum
The Brooklyn Museum’s collection of European Art comprises hundreds of paintings and sculptures and thousands of works on paper, such as drawings and prints. These works come from across the European continent as well as some European (especially Spanish) colonies.
Oceanic Art · Brooklyn Museum
Among the oldest, largest, and boldest art museums in the United States, the Brooklyn Museum holds an encyclopedic collection of over 500,000 objects representing more than 5,500 years of creativity from cultures around the globe.