normal wbc but low neutrophil..should i be worried? - HealthTap
Jun 24, 2017 · All other counts including WBC are normal. No symptoms of leukemia/lymphoma. Should I be worried? I've had a low (though not abnormally low) neutrophil count for years, all other counts and WBC normal, no symptoms of leukemia/lymphoma, should I be worried? Lipase level at ER was 60 unit/L with normal range being between 73 unit/L - 393 unit/L.
Normal WBC but low lymphocytes - HealthTap
What could a low wbc 2.5 (4 normal) , high monocytes 17 (normal below 12),, low lymphocyte, low abs neutrophil, , low abs lymphocyte be? i'm worried. A doctor has provided 1 answer
normal wbc count mm3 - HealthTap
what is normal wbc count for men?: A wide range.....: Of normal is seen for both men and women. Generall
what is normal wbc count for men? - HealthTap
Jun 10, 2014 · What is the normal WBC count for healthy men? If RBC went up without medicine from 10 to 10.5 in a month and all else like WBC plalets are normal does that mean we rule out mds, for a 69 yrs man. Can you have leukemia with a normal WBC (7.5) but a low RBC (4.59) and high MCH (33.2) this is for a 25 YO man? Male, 35 years.
what is the normal wbc count for healthy men? | HealthTap
Sep 28, 2016 · If RBC went up without medicine from 10 to 10.5 in a month and all else like WBC plalets are normal does that mean we rule out mds, for a 69 yrs man. Can you have leukemia with a normal WBC (7.5) but a low RBC (4.59) and high MCH (33.2) this is for a 25 YO man? My cousin`s WBC count -9300cell/cu.Mm. Hb-9.9gm/dl.Otherwise normal healthy. Wbc ...
WBC normal but monocytes are high - HealthTap
High monocytes 3 years. 15.7%, 15.5% with 0.97 absolute and now 18.6% with 1.26 absolute. smear normal. any clues why? 86 yo female. all other blood components normal, rbc, wbc and platelets. was reading about cml and heart issues?
what could normal cbc, normal wbc, normal rbc, low hbg, and low …
Aug 20, 2013 · My rdw is high 15.0 but everything else in my CBC is normal wbc 7.0 RBC 4.82 hct 39.3 hglb 13.0 MCV 82 also did tibc 459 and iron 76 but uibc 383 ? A doctor has provided 1 answer A member asked:
my wbc,rbc, hgb, hct, & absolute lymphocytes are low. what
Oct 27, 2021 · Many conditions may manifest with low blood cells (white cell, red cell and/or platelets). If white blood cell count is low, the absolute numbers of neutrophil, lymphocyte or monocyte will be low if the differential is normal.
immature granulocyte high normal wbc - HealthTap
Are these ok, wbc 12, rdw 10.6, immature granulocyte .06%, neutrophil 82%, lymphocyte % 11.4, neutrophils # 9.8. everything else wnl. i went in for a headache. i have had diarrhea for a couple days. should i get a recheck? er dr said normal?
Normal wbc count of 6.6, monocyte of 12? is this a concern
Aug 5, 2021 · All else normal. No symptoms except bad seasonal allergies. Thoughts? My monocytes percentage just shot up from 6.9% to 12.9% in just 7 weeks, and my WBC went to just 3.6 from 3.9. Also my B12 is 1246. Concern?? Hello. I did a blood test. All WBC are in the normal range except monocytes. Its 10.4% and the normal range mentioned in 2-10%.