Nugget Hops - Any Ale Recipes? - Homebrew Talk
Aug 28, 2008 · I'm new to this forum and this is my first post...for that matter, I'm fairly new to homebrewing, done 6 batches so far with varying success. My wife planted two nugget hop plants in our herb garden a few years ago for ornamental reasons and up until this year didn't produce much of anything...
Smoothest bittering hops: Nugget, Columbus or Chinook?
Aug 31, 2015 · I have three high-AA hops on hand: Nugget, Columbus and Chinook. Brewing in a couple of days. Which hop will give the smoothest baseline bitterness (60 min addition) suitable for a big hoppy IPA with high IBUs? How do they differ? I'm a rookie and haven't used any of these hops before. (I'm...
Nugget Hops - Homebrew Talk
Jun 4, 2009 · Late addition nugget hops and dry hopping are crazy good. The beer will need a bit more time to mellow because of the upfront spiciness, but once it mellows out (an extra 3-4 weeks more than normal), the beer aroma and flavor is amazing.
Nugget hops? - Homebrew Talk
Sep 27, 2011 · Has anyone brewed a single hop (nugget) IPA? Wondering what the flavors are that stand out. Is it piney or more herbal? Also, would an IPA bittered with nugget hops and finished with cascade be a good combination? Thanks.
Nugget Hop IPA - Homebrew Talk
Jan 23, 2013 · I wouldn't use backyard hops for bittering, the alpha-acid % is too unpredictable. But you can blast away at the end. As noted, Nugget is pretty mild. I did an all-Nugget amber once; it was smooth and tasty.
Hopping a porter - Homebrew Talk
Apr 15, 2016 · Planning on trying my first hopping and going to make a porter using nugget hops. I've read that dry hopping is the best for a porter but will this be the...
Hop substitution for Nugget - Homebrew Talk
Jan 12, 2012 · Nugget is not citrusy or grapefruity like Chinook. Nugget is herbaceous and peachy. For a flavor match, you want a hop with stone fruit focus, like Glacier or Palisades. Problem is, their AA% are way less than Nugget and they can …
Nugget hops are basically indestructible - Homebrew Talk
Feb 15, 2013 · IMO, Nugget hops are basically indestructible. Once established they become weeds. A couple of years ago I planted mature Centennial, Nugget and Columbus rhizomes. While all grew, only the Nugget produced cones. As my luck would have it, neighbors tree shades were I planted the hops. When the...
All-nugget pilsner recipe - Homebrew Talk
Apr 20, 2011 · This will be my second homebrew batch. I have all-nugget IPA going on a week in the primary right now and already can't wait to get the second started. I've been growing my own hops for a couple years and get crazy yields off of my nugget plants (3 second year plants = 7 lbs of dried hops), hence the all-nugget recipe interest.
nugget hops | Homebrew Talk - Beer, Wine, Mead, & Cider …
Jan 4, 2006 · Looking for some feedback on Nugget hops. I want to jazz up my APA recipe by trying something differnet from the usual suspect that all start with the letter "c". Let me know if you used as bittering, aroma, dry etc. and what style of beer. Thanks in advance. Jeff