The Operational Wargame Series: The best game not in stores now
Jun 23, 2021 · The Operational Wargame Series (OWS) is a tabletop game that allows the players to simulate combat between 2025 and 2050. The game is focused on the operational level of warfare and ties in the effects of military capabilities across all domains.
Operational Wargame System — GU Wargaming Society
Mar 2, 2023 · Join the Georgetown University Wargaming Society (GUWS) for a special session of the Operational Wargame System -- an educational wargame designed by the US Marine …
The ‘Agile’ Wargames that Can Test Force Design, Part 1
OWS is a wargame toolkit for testing war plans and decisions at the operational level of war across all domains, employing joint warfighting concepts. The team conducted four iterations of a modified version of the Assassin’s Mace—War in the Pacific module of OWS.
Wargaming Division - United States Marine Corps Warfighting …
The Wargame Program is the annual syllabus of wargames conducted by the Division in support of Marine Corps equities as defined by the responsible authorities.
Wargame Design: The Marine Corps' Operational Wargame System …
Jul 21, 2021 · This presentation covers the development history, design, and vision behind the Marine Corps’ Operational Wargame System. This emerging wargame capability was developed over the past two years...
The Operational Wargame Series: The best game not in stores now
Jun 23, 2021 · Hex and Counter is a subreddit dedicated to table top wargaming of the hex-and-counter variety. The Operational Wargame Series: The best game not in stores now. Excellent! I've played OWS Assassin's Mace, and it does, indeed, have some interesting mechanics. Particularly interesting is the dice promotion/demotion mechanic for unit abilities.
Promise Unfulfilled - MCU
In 2019, the Wargaming Division (WGD) of the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, overseen by its then-director Colonel Tim Barrick, designed the Operational Wargame System (OWS), initially focused on future conflict in the Indo-Pacific theater.
Operational Wargame System series is titled Assassin’s Mace and focuses on the Pacii Theater. Subsequent volumes will focus on Europe and the Middle East, with the goal to deliver a set of table-top wargames for operational scenarios in all theaters in support of Marine Corps PME. Table-top wargames by themselves
U.S. Air Force War College’s (AWC) Academic Year (AY) 2023 capstone exercise, Global Challenge, was conducted using the Operational Wargame System (OWS), specifically focused on the Assassin’s...
OCS - the best wargame system? - BoardGameGeek
Feb 20, 2007 · OCS (Operational Combat System) is probably the best operational level wargame system on the market. Therefore it deserves a geeklist of its own! What's so great about it then?
WARGAME DAY Personnel... - Marine Corps University
Feb 13, 2025 · The OWS is a board game series covering contemporary and future conflict. It is a wargame toolkit that enables wargaming scenarios in the 2025-2035 timeframe, and its design centers on plans and decisions at the high tactical to operational level of …
Operational Wargame Series - Tabletop.Events
Aug 19, 2023 · Check out the Operational Wargame Series (OWS), the wargame used across the US military to study contemporary operational challenges and explore emerging concepts in modern warfare. Billed as the “best wargame not in stores,” play the game that military professionals use today.
What is 'Operational Wargame', a war simulation board game …
Jun 23, 2021 · Operational Wargame is a board game that simulates combat from 2025 to 2050. The game focuses on the operational level of warfare and allows players to experience the military in a variety of...
Tim Barrick - Director, Wargaming - Marine Corps University
Was the lead designer for the Marine Corps' Operational Wargame System (OWS) covering future warfare at the joint campaign level in the Pacific (Assassin's Mace - Game 001) and in Europe (Zapad...
- Title: Director, Wargaming @ Krulak …
- Location: Marine Corps University
- 500+ connections
F/A-XX takes the lead in US Navy wargames, replacing F/A-18
Feb 14, 2025 · The Operational Wargame System [OWS], a key component of this event, is a sophisticated tool used by the U.S. military to model future warfare. The system simulates real-world military scenarios and incorporates a wide variety …
wargame into an appropriate level (entity-based or aggregate) simulation for conducting Monte Carlo-style experiments. Integrate other warfighting functional models into OWS
Timothy E. Barrick, Colonel (Ret) USMC > Marine Corps University ...
He is the lead game designer for the Operational Wargame System (OWS) used by the Marine Corps and various organizations across the U.S. Department of Defense and NATO allies.
Progress and Perils: Educational Wargaming in the US
Dec 22, 2023 · In education, Marine Corps University (MCU) uses wargames at Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS), Command and Staff College (CSC), the School of Advanced Warfighting (SAW), Marine Corps War College, and the College of Enlisted Military Education (CEME).
Operational Combat System | Wiki - BoardGameGeek
The Gamer's / MMPs popular series of wargames simulates 20th century battles at levels ranging from battalions to divisions. " Operational Combat Series (OCS) games simulate campaign-level combat from 1900 to the mid-1950s.
Wargaming Towards Victory in the Indo-Pacific
Sep 7, 2023 · Three years into Force Design 2030, the United States Marine Corps has evolved into a leaner, more agile force designed to fight and win against the nation’s stated adversaries, with a strategic...