youtube-dl: Download Opus audio or AAC audio? - Super User
Since most video software encodes the audio track as AAC, the AAC track Youtube provides is likely an AAC -> AAC transcode, which will be better than an AAC -> Opus transcode. Additionally, Opus is not always the best option for music. Although Opus is very good at a variety of audio, it does not necessarily beat all other lossy codecs in every ...
ffmpeg - Why do audio files converted from OPUS to M4A have a …
Mar 24, 2019 · ...the converted M4A files have much higher bitrates (and file sizes) than the original OPUS files, averaging more than 400kbps. This is more than a 300% increase in bitrate. Is this a bug with the post-processing stage of youtube-dl , or is it expected behaviour?
What is the best quality audio and video from this Youtube video?
Dec 21, 2018 · In general, the VP9- and Opus-encoded formats will be the one offering better quality; these are the itags starting with a "2". As these are way more efficient (i.e., offer better quality at the same size) than the H.264- and AAC-encoded video …
Recommended settings to convert Opus to AAC - Super User
May 24, 2018 · Given that opus is more efficient/better, quality will be higher at the same bitrate. But would transcoding the opus to AAC (e.g. at 192kbs/212kbs) maintain that quality difference, or would the transcoding (even to a higher bitrate) induce artefacts so that the audio quality of the 192kbs AAC file would actually be worse than the AAC 128kbs file ?
How can I convert an Opus audio to a format usable by iOS?
Mar 13, 2022 · This should be a very simple task and can be handled by this very basic command that outputs an M4A file: ffmpeg -i input.opus output.m4a Or even this for MP3 output:
How to get best quality audio using youtube-dl? - Super User
youtube-dl -f bestaudio[ext=m4a] --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata <Video-URL> resulting in an m4a file or. youtube-dl -f bestaudio --extract-audio --embed-thumbnail --add-metadata <Video-URL> The latter can also resul in an ogg file if the highest audio quality format is OPUS rather than AAC. You can list the available format with
Maximising efficiency of my M4A music playlist - Super User
Oct 30, 2016 · It's like making a xerox of a xerox. You amplify distortions. Ideally you should be transcoding from a lossless format like .flac or .wav to a lossy format like m4a, ogg or mp3. My ears are not very discriminating (also I'm 51!), but I find 192kpbs vbr 0 is more than adequate for mp3, and perhaps lower is sufficient for m4a.
ffmpeg - How to encode audio with Opus codec? - Super User
Dec 8, 2012 · The best Opus Codec commands in DOS/Windows Command would be: For lib 1.3, smallest filesize (tape quality): Opusenc a.wav a.opus --bitrate 24 --framesize 40 --discard-comments --discard-pictures You will: a- at 24kbits still have a 16kHz (32kHz stereo) sonic output, on a super small size. Any smaller, and Sonic output will drop to 11kHz
FFMPEG: Convert m4a to mp3 without significant loss
I tried doing something simple like: ffmpeg -i FILE.m4a FILE.mp3 but this seems to reduce the bitrate to a very low value, which isn't what I want. Similarly I don't want to convert using a constant bitrate, such as 320k, because some of the files I am converting are 320k m4a's and some are as low quality as 96k m4a's.
Youtubedl --audio-format FORMAT is ignored to download opus …
Jan 9, 2020 · It does work sometimes when you have m4a container as "best" audio stream, does work if you manually specify -format 251 which is overkill. It doesn't work with for m4a_dash container as best possible audio stream. I'm assuming because there is no way to demux opus from m4a_dash.