Pamiris - Wikipedia
The Pamiris[a] are an Eastern Iranian ethnic group, native to Central Asia, living primarily in Tajikistan (Gorno-Badakhshan), Afghanistan (Badakhshan), Pakistan (Gilgit-Baltistan [b]) and …
Tajiks in China - Wikipedia
Despite their name, the majority of Tajiks in China are not ethnic Tajiks but ethnic Pamiris, a different Iranian ethnic group who speak the Eastern Iranian Pamiri languages. Early 20th …
Tombs from the eastern Pamirs show that Saka-Usun tribes were grazing their flocks there from the 5th century B.C., when the climate was considerably lusher than today. The Saka are …
Tajiks of Xinjiang - Wikipedia
Chinese Tajiks (Chinese : 中国塔吉克族; pinyin : Zhōngguó Tǎjíkèzú) are ethnic Pamiris who live in the Pamir Mountains of Tashkurgan Tajik Autonomous County, in Xinjiang, China. They are …
Pamir Peoples - Encyclopedia.com
The first identifiable people mentioned in Classical Greek and Old Persian sources are the Sakas, who apparently occupied both the east and west of the Pamirs beginning in the middle of the …
Cruising Pamir Highway, the heart of the Heartland - Asia Times
Dec 14, 2019 · This is what we see in Saka graves in the Eastern Pamir. As we keep moving east, the settled Pamiri culture, with its profusion of orchards of apricots, apples and …
It will argue that, similar to the rest of the Tajik people, the inhabitants of Pamir region have common Aryan ancestors such as Bactrians, Sogdians, Saka and other ancient sed- entary …
History and culture – Pamir Heritage
Pamiri culture is a unique mix of ancient Zoroastrian beliefs and Ismailism, a Shiite branch of Islam. It began to form over two thousand years ago and has survived to our day thanks to the …
PAMIRS - Facts and Details
Pamirs is a 800-kilometer-long range made up of very high rounded mountains between 5,000 and 7,000 meters high that stretch across eastern Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan into western China.
TAJIKS IN CHINA - Facts and Details
Tajiks are a Persian-speaking Muslim group that lives in Western China around the snowcapped Pamirs, a mountain range shared with Tajikistan and Afghanistan. Related to ethnic groups in …
Pamiri - Encyclopedia.com
What is also known from the archaeological and historical sources in Classical Greek and Old Persian is that ethnic groups such as the Saka and Dari, who lived in the Pamirs …
Pashtuns and Gandhara: on Pashtun-Afghan ethnogenesis
Oct 26, 2019 · Pashto is primarily a Saka (Scythian) language. As such, it has deep linkages with existing dialects of the Pamiri Language Group, such as Yidgha, Wakhi and Munji spoken in …
Tajikistan: Prominent members of Pamiri minority arbitrarily …
Sep 21, 2023 · Since May 2022, the Tajikistani authorities have stepped up their ongoing crackdown on Pamiris, an ethnic, linguistic and religious minority originating from the Pamir …
(PDF) Pamiri ethnic identity and its evolution in post-Soviet ...
Oct 13, 2020 · It will argue that, similar tothe rest of the Tajik people, the inhabitants of Pamir region have common Aryan ancestors such as Bactrians, Sogdians, Saka and other ancient …
3 Pamiri ethnic identity and its evolution in post-Soviet Tajikistan
Pamiris, or Badakhshanis in popular discourse, form a small group of Iranic peoples who inhabit the mountainous region of Pamir-Hindu Kush, being the historical region of Badakhshan. …
Pamiri Culture - Central Asia Tours
The Pamiri people also known as the Pamirian or Mountain Tajiks and are composed of seven ethnic groups of the former Tajik Soviet Central Asia such as Shughni, Rushan, Wakhi, …
The Pamiris of Tajikistan: persecuted at home, forgotten abroad ...
Jul 18, 2023 · Pamiris were subjected to what has been described as ethnic cleansing by Tajik forces during the country’s civil war from 1990 to 1997, and have been persecuted by the …
eHRAF World Cultures - Yale University
The basic components in the ethnogenesis of the Pamirians, thus, were the Saka and, possibly, the Dari ethnic groups. The Pamirians were probably under Kushan rule in the first centuries …
In Remote Tajik Mountains, Pamiris Keep Unique Culture Alive
May 8, 2019 · Isolated by the rugged terrain, the Pamiri people who live there have preserved some of the Zoroastrian traditions that preceded the advent of Islam. The Pamir Mountains of …
Descendants of ancient European (fair?) maidens in Central
Dec 8, 2017 · In this article they link Pamir with Saka Scythians derived from Andronovo and not Sarmatians: “Around 4000 years before present, the migrations of Andronovo Culture reached …