Failed normie - Incel Wiki
Oct 11, 2024 · Failed normie (or 'cyborg' in R9K's terminology) is an incelish Normie that has tried climbing the social ladder and failed multiple times. Most failed normies are not in-tune with their situation because of the Bluepill .
The Robot Test - Arfer
The image describing the test seems to have first appeared on /r9k/ in January 2016. Its author is anonymous. I've tried to reproduce the contents of the test faithfully. As I hope goes without saying, it isn't representative of my own views on autism, gender, sexuality, etc., and it isn't any good as a personality test.
R9k - Incel Wiki
Feb 5, 2025 · R9K is a pseudo-incelospherian, hikikomori, and astroturfing board on 4chan where, theoretically, users can only post original content due to a software bot that rejects unoriginal content.
/r9k/ - Know Your Meme
Mar 14, 2015 · /r9k/ is a forum dedicated to anonymous sharing of personal anecdotes on the image board site 4chan. The /r9k/ community is most well-known for its greentext stories that antagonize social norms and celebrate singledom .
/r9k/ - Catalog
It should not be conflated with what you might know from cuckchan's /r9k/. The rules and guidelines are already pretty refined and condensed, but may still be tweaked as things come up. There are some legacy threads and posts that are kind of lazy or may break rules, but will be grandfathered in.
/r9k/ - robot9000
I am happy for have found this board because 4chan r9k is full of normalfags. Sorry if my english is bad, i've recently lurnking and posting on english imageboard because i want to improve it.
Someone please explain to me what is /r9k/ and why do people ... - Reddit
Oct 26, 2011 · /r9k/ was Robot9000, it was a test board that encouraged original posts. If it detected that you typed something in that was not original, or posted there before, you would be muted for a short time. If you continued to post unoriginal content, the gag time would increase.
What's the deal with "r9k"? : r/OutOfTheLoop - Reddit
All the boards have their specific culture and weird memes that cross over from other boards. /r9k/ eventually eventually turned into a hotspot for weebs, virgins, autists, NEETs, betas, clinically depressed nerds, shut ins, wizards, the borderline insane …
r9k robot test. - GotoQuiz
r9k robot test. This test is supposed to determine whether you are a Wizard, Robot, Cyborg, Normie or Chad. I tried to make the test as precise as possible but any feedback is appreciated. If you're a Wizard or Robot you're welcome to stay. If you're a Cyborg or Normie you have to explain why you're even on this board.
/r9k/ - Rigged Wiki
Feb 4, 2024 · /r9k/ is the team with the most appearances in Babby cups, by appearing in 12 cups, skipping only the 2016 and 2018 editions of the Autumn Babby Cup.
- Some results have been removed