Rat - Wikipedia
Rats are various medium-sized, long-tailed rodents. Species of rats are found throughout the order Rodentia, but stereotypical rats are found in the genus Rattus. Other rat genera include Neotoma (pack rats), Bandicota (bandicoot rats) and Dipodomys (kangaroo rats). Rats are typically distinguished from mice by their size.
51 Different Types of Rats - NatureNibble
May 13, 2022 · There are 66 rat species, but 64 are the only existing members of the Rattus species from the Muridae family. The most common ones that are widespread globally are the Brown Rat (Rattus norvegicus) and Black Rat (Rattus rattus). This article will focus on the genus Rattus, commonly referred to as rats.
Rat | Rodent Species, Habitats & Characteristics | Britannica
Feb 12, 2025 · Rats are generally slender with a pointed head, large eyes, and prominent, thinly furred ears. They have moderately long legs and long, sharp claws. The bald soles of their narrow hind feet possess fleshy pads of variable size, depending on species. The brown rat has a larger body than the house rat, and its tail is shorter relative to the body.
list of rodents - Encyclopedia Britannica
Rodents are the largest group of mammals, constituting almost half of the class Mammalia’s approximately 4,660 species. This is a list of selected rodents, arranged alphabetically by suborder and family.
Different Types of Rat Species in North America | EcoGuard
Dec 29, 2023 · The most common rats in North America are brown rats, black rats, packrats, and marsh rats. These rodents are frequently found in proximity to human habitats which make it essential for homeowners to be aware of their distinguishing characteristics, especially if they suspect an infestation.
Rat Species, Strains, Breeds and Varieties - Rat Behavior
Rat Species, Strains, Breeds and Varieties. There are so many different kinds of rats! On television, we hear about wood rats and kangaroo rats and black rats and Norway rats. In articles about scientific research, we read about Wistar and Fisher and Sprague Dawley rats.
Rattus - Wikipedia
The best-known Rattus species are the black rat (R. rattus) and the brown rat (R. norvegicus). The group is generally known as the Old World rats or true rats and originated in Asia. Rats are bigger than most Old World mice, which are their relatives, but …
Rats - National Geographic
There are dozens of species of rats but black rats and brown rats are the two that most commonly live among humans.
Rat - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There are about 56 different species of rats. The best known rats are the black rat (Rattus rattus), and the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). These two are known as Old World rats. The group has its origins in Asia. Usually rats are bigger than mice. Rats are large muroid rodents, mice are small ones. The muroid family is very large and complex.
Rats: Facts about these thin-tailed, medium-size rodents
Apr 27, 2023 · Common rat species. Common rat species include: Rattus argentiventer — Ricefield rat; Rattus hoffmanni — Hoffmann's Sulawesi rat; Rattus lutreolus — Australian swamp rat